Current Pedorthics | May-June 2018 | Vol.50, Issue 3 | Page 31

ORTHOSES AND BALANCE IN THE AGING PATIENT with chronic lower back pain (more than 3 months). They looked at 3 groups of patients with chronic low back pain: without treatment, with orthotics only, and with orthotics plus chiropractic treatment. Their results showed that foot orthotics without chiropractic intervention improved back pain and improved function after 6 weeks. The addition of chiropractic treatment to orthotics further improved function but no difference in pain. In support of this, Castro-Mendez and colleagues demonstrated that back pain can be caused by foot/ankle pathology such as subtalar joint hyper pronation. They found that foot orthotics are a good short-term solution for resolving low back pain. Conclusion As we age it is important that we take good care of our bodies. Eating healthy, exercising, and keeping our mind sharp becomes more important than ever. Although changes in life style and habits are beneficial to our overall health, we cannot forget to take care of our feet; after all it is our feet that keep us moving. One of the many ways that we can take care of our feet is to make sure that we optimize function by using proper footwear and if needed foot orthoses. Orthoses help to preserve structural and functional attributes of the neuromusculoskeletal system as well as being one of the best conservative treatments for addressing existing foot pathologies and in many cases augmenting other available treatments. Flat Feet? Sprains? Heel Spurs? Plantar Fasciitis? - o - Current Pedorthics | May/June 2018 29