Current Pedorthics | May-June 2015 | Vol. 47, Issue 2 | Page 14

Are You Looking To Earn CEU/CEP Credits to Help Keep Your Professional Certification Current? Then Consider Writing an Article for Current Pedorthics! Did you know pedorthic and health care practitioners, who submit an article or research abstract/research paper, are eligible to earn one or more CEU/ CEP Credits towards keeping their professional certification current when accepted and published in our magazine? The Pedorthic Footcare Association (PFA) offers our members and other affiliated health care professionals an additional way to earn their mandatory Continuing Education Units/Continuing Education Points. After successful publication of your submitted article or abstract/research paper, our staff or you can report your publication to many of the numerous professional health associations and certification/accreditation organizations that recognize publication as a means to earn your certification credits.* For more details, contact Current Pedorthics magazine at (229) 389-3440 or by email at [email protected] for additional upcoming special interest topics, guidelines and other ideas you may want to discuss as topic ideas beneficial to health care, patient care and all areas of interest in the pedorthics practice and other associated industries. *Credit value is determined by the certification/accreditation organization, not PFA. The advertiser index is published for the readers’ convenience. Click on the hyperlink to take you to the advertiser's website. If you have any questions about advertising, please contact our advertising sales representative Tracey Aaron at: (815) 356-8344 or email: [email protected]. ADVERTISERINDEX ADVERTISER WEBSITE American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics and Pedorthics, Inc. ICF Atrex pg 1, pg 50, BC Amfit pg 3 Blintz Company pg 4 ING Source Inc. pg 7 KLM pg 21 mediUSA pg 13 New Balance pg 31 New Step pg 17 Norolo24, LLC, Quadrastep pg 27 Pedifix 12 PAGE IBC Pedorthic Footcare Association