A caring , two-minute conversation by telephone will have patients calling you for their future needs – and referring their friends , family and bragging to their doctors about you .
Write Thank You Notes to Referrers
Just a couple of words can make a big difference . Handwrite a brief thank you note immediately after a current or former patient refers someone new to your practice . It can be as short as a few lines expressing your gratitude for their confidence in your professional skills and personal care .
Example : “ Dear ( patient ’ s name ): Thank you for telling a friend / doctor about me . I will do my best to help . Your confidence in my practice means so much to me . If I can be of assistance to you personally at any time , please do not hesitate to contact me . Professionally Yours , ( pedorthist name ).”
Please note : When writing to a patient , please be conscious of potential HIPPA violations .
Follow up with Patients and Referral Sources Professionally
Connect with patients by writing an explanation of treatment provided and when to follow up . When receiving prescriptions from the referral source , follow up with a letter or tear sheet explaining the treatment provided and any follow-up recommendations that were given to the patient .
Marketing to the Public
Like it or not , credentialed pedorthists are in “ sales .” The commodity that you are selling is you ( and your practice ). Here are a couple of tips to keep your “ customers ” happy :
• Always call your patients and referral sources back the same day .
• “ Blindly cold call ” your own office to check the following :
• Number of rings before answering
• Hold time
• Days / weeks until your next appointment
• The friendliness and helpfulness of your staff
Anything else you consider important to the success of your practice . ( This self-check is critical , because a potential patient ’ s or referral source ’ s first impression of you and your practice occurs at the time of this interaction ).
Just a couple of words can make a big difference . Handwrite a brief thank you note immediately after a current or former patient refers someone new to your practice . It can be as short as a few lines expressing your gratitude for their confidence in your professional skills and personal care .
Marketing , whether it ’ s simply through word of mouth or professional advertising , doesn ’ t have to cost you a lot of money and time or cause you a moral dilemma .
• Share your notes
When seeing a new patient , send a copy of your office notes to the patient ’ s primary care physician . Include a cover note that opens with a statement such as “ I had an opportunity to see your patient ” and closes with “ I will keep you apprised of their progress .”
Marketing , whether it ’ s simply through word of mouth or professional advertising , doesn ’ t have to cost you a lot of money and time or cause you a moral dilemma . It ’ s simply a means for letting people know that you are willing and able to care for their feet . Given today ’ s climate in which patients are eager to find a true health care advocate and professional to help them solve their problems , it shouldn ’ t be a tough sell . It will be a welcome invitation . ■
Kristi Hayes , C . Ped . is a second-generation Board Certified Pedorthist , who has utilized her unique skill set in multiple practices settings on the West Coast for more than 18 years . As a pedorthic business consultant she travels across the country to improve practice management in all aspects for small - medium size businesses . Her specialties include marketing , strategic planning and training personnel . She has served the Pedorthic Footcare Association membership as a board of directors member and committee chair since 2006 and is currently the president .
34 Pedorthic Footcare Association www . pedorthics . org