O Know your codes
O Avoid data and file discrepancies
O Perform in-services to keep staff up to
O Keep certification and licensure current
O Document medical necessity
O Avoid copy-and-paste & cookie cutter
O Documentation integrity
O Maintain financial records
O Patient follow up
O Review, Review, Review!
You should also be performing in-house
audits of random files from time to time.
This will allow you to catch mistakes that
are being made or find documentation
that may be missing from files. Keep in
mind, audits by CMS entities will not cease
and but will more than likely increase.
More commercial payers have also begun
conducting post-payment reviews.
The best thing you can do is to be
proactive. Always have your staff, your
files and all compliance paperwork ready
for anything, remain vigilant for changes
to occur at any moment regarding
documentation requirements and always
remember that taking the steps to ensure
compliance and making a slightly smaller
profit is better than losing an audit and
taking a big loss. O
Current Pedorthics | March/April 2018