Current Pedorthics | March-April 2018 | Vol.50, Issue 2 | Page 29

The RAC will request medical records from the provider to determine whether overpayment(s) and/or underpayment(s) have occurred. When medical records are submitted, the process is called a Complex Review. In these cases, the RAC has determined there is a high probability (but not certainty) that the claim contains an overpayment. paid on a contingency fee basis. Instead they compete for one of the few ZPIC contracts that are awarded periodically. They are also eligible to receive performance bonuses. ZPIC auditors are not limited to only auditing claims paid in recent years or on the number of claims that may be audited. There is also no limit on the amount of documents a ZPIC may request. ZONE PROGRAM INTEGRITY CONTRACTORS (ZPIC/UPIC) SUPPLEMENTAL MEDICAL REVIEW CONTRACTOR (SMRC) ZPICs detect, deter, and prevent fraud, waste, and abuse in the Medicare program. ZPICs, unlike RACs, are not The SMRC evaluates medical records and related documents to determine whether Medicare claims were billed RECOVERY AUDITORS (RAC) Current Pedorthics | March/April 2018 27