Current Pedorthics | March-April 2018 | Vol.50, Issue 2 | Page 21

be utilized in the fabrication of sockets for prosthetic devices and components for custom orthoses while actively discouraging the use of technology to produce this type of insert. article, make announcements on our website and send e-blast emails out to our members when the final word comes down on the reimbursement amount. CMS made modifications to the language at issue and on February 2, 2018 released a Medline Matters article announcing that the new code, K0903 direct carved with CAM technology from a rectified CAD model created from a digitized scan of the patient, would be required for use on any devices produced through this technology and dispensed on or after April 1, 2018. The reimbursement amount has still not been finalized for the new code. Initial information received from CMS indicates that it will be 14% below the local rate for A5513 based on the fact that the device is easier to produce. Obviously, PFA disagrees that this stance and is making CMS leadership aware of our concerns. We will publish a follow up to this Here is the Medlearns article: PDF Outreach-and-Education/ Medicare-Learning-Network- MLN/MLNMattersArticles/ Downloads/MM10436.pdf /// FINAL RULE REGARDING UPDATED DMEPOS SUPPLIER STANDARDS PUBLISHED CMS published their Final Rule on updated Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics and Supplies (DMEPOS) supplier Current Pedorthics | March/April 2018 19