Current Pedorthics | January-February | Vol. 54, Issue 1 | Page 8



Yiyang Chen , Jing Xian Li , and Lin Wang
The research for this study was conducted and supported by the above authors and :
• School of Kinesiology , Shanghai University of Sport , Shanghai , China
• School of Human Kinetics , University of Ottawa , Ottawa , Ontario , Canada
Jakub Michoński , Marcin Witkowski , Bożena Glinkowska , Robert Sitnik , and Wojciech Glinkowski
The research for this study was conducted equally and supported by the above authors and :
• Institute of Micromechanics and Photonics , Faculty of Mechatronics , Warsaw University of Technology , 02525 Warsaw , Poland
• Department of Sports and Physical Education , Medical University of Warsaw , 00581 Warsaw , Poland
• Centre of Excellence “ TeleOrto ” for Telediagnostics and Treatment of Disorders and Injuries of the Locomotor System , Medical University of Warsaw , 00581 Warsaw , Poland
• Department of Medical Informatics and Telemedicine , Medical University of Warsaw , 00581 Warsaw , Poland
• Polish Telemedicine and eHealth Society , 03728 Warsaw , Poland
The Pedorthic Footcare Association ( PFA ), founded in 1958 , is the not-forprofit professional association which represents the interests of the certified and / or licensed pedorthist and supports the pedorthic profession at large .
Through PFA ’ s efforts , pedorthics – the management and treatment of conditions of the foot , ankle , and lower extremities requiring fitting , fabricating , and adjusting of pedorthic devices – is a well-established allied health profession which makes an invaluable contribution to public health .
PFA ’ s mission is to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of credentialed providers of lower extremity pedorthic modalities through education ; increase the demand for services through marketing ; and promote the right to practice through government affairs activities .
Pedorthic Footcare Association
phone : ( 229 ) 389-3440 email : info @ pedorthics . org website : www . pedorthics . org
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