Current Pedorthics | January-February | Vol. 54, Issue 1 | Page 40

Share your ideas with the pedorthic community

Did you know pedorthic and health care practitioners , who submit an article or research abstract / research paper , are eligible to earn one or more CEU Credits towards keeping their professional certification current when accepted and published in our magazine ?

Earn continuing education Credits for certification

The Pedorthic Footcare Association ( PFA ) offers our members and other affiliated health care professionals an additional way to earn their mandatory Continuing Education Units / Continuing Education Points . After successful publication of your submitted article or abstract / research paper , our staff or you can report your publication to many of the numerous professional health associations and certification / accreditation organizations that recognize publication as a means to earn your certification credits .*
For more details , contact Current Pedorthics magazine at ( 229 ) 389-3440 or by email at : ceu @ pedorthics . org for additional upcoming special interest topics , guidelines and other ideas you may want to discuss as topic ideas beneficial to health care , patient care and all areas of interest in the pedorthics practice and other associated industries .
* Credit value is determined by the certification / accreditation organization , not PFA .

Write an Article ! for Current pedorthics

@ pedorthics phone : ( 229 ) 389-3440