Current Pedorthics | January-February | Vol. 54, Issue 1 | Page 31

The Result of Mid-High-Heeled Footwear on Young Adult Women
to measure the surface of the nude skin of the dorsum up to the hairline , which usually makes the skin of the occiput unavailable for the measurement . The comparison of the cervical lordosis studies with surface topography is not possible until the bald occipital protuberance can be exposed to the structured light .
The limitations of comparison of the radiographic with surface topography studies are concerned in the measures and indexes [ 88 , 103 , 107 ] . The only trend of observed changes can be compared to some extent . Radiographic measurements of SVA , PT , LL , SS , or PI are based on radiographic points that are not achievable by surface topography and vice versa . Surface topography addresses anthropometric points that are seen or palpable superficially on the patient ’ s body
[ 25,103 ]
. The measurements were performed from the glutei upward , and only the posterior part of the torso was acquired . This setup impeded us from considering knee and ankle flexion , where additional compensations could occur , as reported by other studies [ 8 , 104 ] .
5 . Conclusions
In our study , significant differences were found for the vertical balance angle and pelvic inclination angle , which correspond to a decrease in the forward inclination of the body and pelvic anteversion .
The strength of the study was the welldelineated model and measurement methodology of the 30 degrees inclination high heel . The parameters measured in surface topography and radiography require cross-calibration in future research that may improve the understanding of the postural relations .
There are reasonably clear premises in the literature about the differences in effects caused by high heels depending on their height . In the model used in our research , the heel height is classified as an average , and it is probably the reason for the obtained results .
It seems that the problem of the impact of the heel height still leaves many questions . Subsequent research should include , among others , trunk examination of 360 degrees and dynamic tests . The current results can be applied to people working statically in heels for many hours . A comparison of the impact of different heel heights on the postural condition should also be included in the study plan . With particular interest should be addressed the question of whether one can adjust the heel height , which will be optimal for body posture and curvature of the spine ? The research is based on the mechanisms of symptom formation in orthopedics . In the next step , there is a particular need to standardize the methodology of surface topography research and to obtain a reference system for radiological studies , which will increase the reliability and repeatability , especially in the sagittal alignment tests . The constant angle of heel elevation can be used in future studies focusing on the knee and hip flexion effect .
Article Information :
Original title - Influences of heel height on human postural stability and functional mobility between inexperienced and experienced high heel shoe wearers
Author Contributions
Conceptualization , J . M ., M . W ., B . G ., and W . G .; Data curation , J . M . and M . W .; Formal analysis , J . M ., M . W . and R . S .; Funding acquisition , W . G .; Investigation , J . M ., B . G . and W . G .; Methodology , J . M ., M . W ., B . G ., R . S . and W . G .; Project administration , W . G .; Resources , R . S . and W . G .; Software , J . M . and R . S .; Supervision , R . S . and W . G .; Validation , J . M . and M . W .; Visualization , J . M . and M . W .; Writing —
Current Pedorthics | January-February 2022 29