Current Pedorthics | January-February | Vol. 54, Issue 1 | Page 18

Figure 2
The Result of Mid-High-Heeled Footwear on Young Adult Women

Figure 2

u The sample images of the examined subject with self-adhesive markers on the skin (( A ) posterior view , ( B ) oblique view ). Markers used in the analysis are captioned with the name of the corresponding anatomical structure . u C7 — the spinous process of the vertebra prominens , LAX / RAX — left and right axilla , LSC / RSC — the inferior angle of the left and right scapula , ThK — the apex of thoracic kyphosis , ThK-LL — point of transition from thoracic kyphosis to lumbar lordosis , LL — the apex of lumbar lordosis , LVD / RVD — left and right Venus dimple , IF — top of the intergluteal cleft .
16 Pedorthic Footcare Association | www . pedorthics . org