Current Pedorthics | January-February | Vol. 54, Issue 1 | Page 16

Figure 1 u The procedure of selecting subjects for the final trial . SHS : Suzuki ’ s Hump Sum .
The Result of Mid-High-Heeled Footwear on Young Adult Women
The inclusion criterion was at least two years of experience in wearing high-heeled shoes . The exclusion criterion was the occurrence of faulty posture , assessed by performed measurements [ 56 ] . Additional subjects with corrupted measurement data were removed from the study after performing the measurements . After the drop-out , a total number of 53 subjects were analyzed ( Figure 1 ).
The study protocol adhered to the ethical standards of the Helsinki Declaration and the Institutional Review Board ( IRB ) of the Medical University of Warsaw approved the study ( No . KB 158 / 2009 , issued 25 August 2009 ).
2.3 . Data Acquisition
The measurements were performed using a prototype custom-made structured light illumination ( SLI ) 3D scanner developed for the tasks of the project entitled “ Telemedical , automatized system for three dimensional measurement , analysis , detection , monitoring and treatment of postural failures and deformations of the human body ” in cooperation with the Institute of Micromechanics and Photonics ( IMP ), Warsaw University of Technology . The scanner was composed of a Casio XJ-
A142 ( https :// www . casio-projectors . eu / euro / products / green-slim / xj-a142 /) projector and a Point Grey FL2-08S2M-C ( https :// www . flir . com / products / firewirecameras /? model = FL2-08S2M-C ) industrial camera . The structured light method used was the 6-frame temporal phase-shifting ( TPS ) method , known for excellent accuracy and spatial resolution , with nine additional images encoding Gray code for fringe enumeration [ 43 , 57 ] . The camera calibration and projector-camera stereo-calibration used were from the 3DMADMAC solution [ 58 ] .
The projector and the camera were synchronized using a photodiode , which made it possible to perform a single measurement in approximately 0.85 s . A glass plane surface of dimensions 1.2 m by 2.0 m with precise circular markers printed on an adhesive sheet and attached to the plane was used for system calibration and precision assessment . The measurement precision of a single point was 1 mm , and the spatial resolution was approximately 2 – 3 mm , depending on the position of the subject in the measurement volume . As the last step , the plumb line was calibrated to facilitate analysis of the body with respect to the gravity vector . The calibration was performed by measuring a loosely-hanging cylindrical

Figure 1 u The procedure of selecting subjects for the final trial . SHS : Suzuki ’ s Hump Sum .

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