Current Pedorthics | January-February | Vol. 54, Issue 1 | Page 10


ANNOUNCING – 62 nd PFA Symposium & Exhibition
For Immediate Release :
The Pedorthic Footcare Association ’ s
( PFA ) Council on Pedorthic Education ( COPE ) and the Board of Directors cordially invites you , your staff and your family to come and experience the gold standard at PFA ’ s 62 nd Annual Symposium and Exhibition on November 3 rd -5 th , 2022 in Tampa , Florida !
See full ad on pg . 36 :
PFA 62nd Symposium Website : www . pfasymposium . com
ABC Commits $ 1 Million in Student Scholarships
For Immediate Release :
ALEXANDRIA , VA – The American Board for Certification Orthotics , Prosthetics & Pedorthics ( ABC ) is excited to announce that it will partner with organizations such as the Orthotic and Prosthetic Education and Research Foundation ( OPERF ) to offer $ 1 million in OP & P scholarships over the next five years to orthotist / prosthetist , technician and pedorthist students attending a Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs ( CAAHEP ) accredited education program .
ABC has expanded its existing OPERF-run Student Achievement Award into two new scholarships , an Orthotist / Prosthetist Student Achievement Scholarship and an Orthotist / Prosthetist Student Diversity Scholarship . Up to 14 $ 10,000 scholarships will be awarded each year to qualifying students . ABC will also launch new O & P Technician Student and Pedorthic Student Scholarships later this year .
Each of ABC ’ s scholarships include designated diversity scholarships created to support the academic success of racially or ethnically underrepresented student populations in the OP & P profession . ABC hopes this much needed financial support will help bring diverse and talented individuals into the profession .
Additionally , ABC has created a Student Poster Prize program in which three prizes totaling $ 2,500 will be awarded to outstanding student-created posters accepted for presentation at the American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists ’ Annual Meeting and Scientific Symposium . Also , in conjunction with the Academy ’ s meeting , ABC funds a Resident Travel Award for one current resident ( or practitioner who has recently completed their residency ) to present their Directed Study report or project .
“ We are thrilled to be able to support the future of OP & P through these scholarships and awards , including specific support for students from as many backgrounds and perspectives as possible . As our amazing profession continues to grow , so too does our voice and ability to make a difference ,” said Brett Saunders , CPO , FAAOP , ABC President .
Additional details about these exciting scholarship opportunities , including eligibility requirements and application deadlines are now available at ABCop . org / studentresidentawards .“ BOC ’ s executive committee showcases the leadership and commitment of our entire board ,” notes Wayne R . Rosen , BOCP , BOCO , LPO , CDME , FAAOP , BOC ’ s 2022 board chairman . “ I am honored to lead this dedicated group in achieving continued success for BOC and for those we serve .”
For more information about ABC , visit : www . abcop . org
PFA ' s Learning Management System ( LMS ) for Continuing Education !
For Immediate Release :
The current update is one from the PFA Article Series and two from the PFA Webinar Series . The article contains the excerpt from a Current Pedorthics issue and each webinar containes a video of the speakers and slide presentation . When completed , both have a test to take where you can attain CEUs and keep track of your progress towards your certification ( see current ad pg . 33 ).
Simply log in with your PFA membership information and earn your CEU ' s ! Go to the PFA Learning Management System by typing the link in your browser or clicking below :
PFA Learning Management System : https :// pfa . mycrowdwisdom . com / diweb / gateway
8 Pedorthic Footcare Association | www . pedorthics . org