Current Pedorthics | January-February 2019 | Vol.51, Issue 1 | Page 28

Lateral wedges - a crossover study during the active treatment periods (months 0 to 2 and 4 to 6) in their daily log books. At the month 2 and month 6 assessments, participants rated comfort during the intervention using an 11-point NRS with terminal descriptors of 0=“maximum discomfort” and 10=“maximum comfort”. Participants also rated their perceived overall change in symptoms at follow-up (month 2 and 6) compared to baseline (month 0 and 4) using a 5-point Likert scale (1=“much worse”, 2= “slightly worse”, 3= “no change”,4=“slightly better”, and 5=“much better”). Finally, at the month 6 assessment, participants indicated which pair of insoles (“first or second”) they preferred. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS All statistical analyses were conducted using Statistical Analysis Software (SAS, v 9.4; SAS Institute Inc.: Cary, NC, USA) and p values <0.05 were considered significant. For WOMAC, FFI-R and timed stair climb outcomes, change scores were calculated as follow-up minus baseline values for each intervention period. As comfort data were only acquired at the follow- up assessments, these were treated as raw data rather than change scores. Mixed effects regression models predicting change variables against fixed effects for intervention period and treatment type, and a random subject effect were developed for each outcome variable. TABLE 1: Participant characteristics at baseline based on order of intervention. Values are mean (sd) unless otherwise noted Wedge to Wedge plus arch support (n = 12) Wedge plus arch support to Wedge (n = 14) All participants (n = 26) Age (years) 66.3 (10.2) 62.1 (5.0) 64.0 (7.6) Sex (F:M) 9:3 13:1 22:4 Foot Posturea 5 (4,8) 5 (4,9) 5 (4,9) Body Mass (kg) 65.3 (9.8) 75.0 (15.3) 70.5 (13.8) BMI (kg/m 2 ) 25.2 (3.0) 28.9 (4.5) 27.2 (4.2) KL 2 9 7 16 KL 3 3 7 10 Disease Severity (n) a As quantified by the foot posture index (FPI). Values are reported as median (minimum, maximum) 26 Pedorthic Footcare Association |