Current Pedorthics | January-February 2014 | Vol. 46, Issue 1 | Page 26

It is All About the Foot Part 1: Basic Skeletal Structure A Plane is More Than for Travel When talking about planes of the foot, the flat or level surface of them, you can actually use air travel as a good and logical analogy when breaking out the three divisions of the foot; the forefoot, the rearfoot and the midfoot. Picture the forefoot handles take-offs, the rearfoot (or also called the hindfoot, a term that can be used interchangeably) handles landings, while the midfoot ties these two divisions together to create one full fluid plane. There are three more delineations: tarsus, metatarsus and phalanges. The classic nomenclature of the tarsus consists of the calcaneus, talus, n ]