Current issues magazine 1 | Page 14

contemporary issues in football

-Are issues that are currently ongoing in football today

Racism is very common in football, of which racial abuse can come from fans, and even other players. This can happen because a player may be of a certain religion, colour or ethnicity. In some cases, players have been abuses even by their own supporting fans.

The impact it can have on players is degrading. It can cause severe performance drops, conflicts and even cause a play to stop playing the sport alltogether. (or)

Commercialism in sports is an important issue today. Large sums of money are being spent on sports every year. Money is invested in sports at a national level and is used for the development of sports and the athletes. A positive outcome of such thing is the avliability of jobs. All the money is creating jobs and opportunites for people to thrive in the sports world. Also the development of equipment i sped up and will allow new technologies to be introduced. A negative outcome would be that too much money is being spent on sport when i could be injected into places where it has a much need requirement. It also means that where stadiums could be built, means buildings could be knocked down, leading to people being 'kicked out' their livings quarters, or moving someone out of their job.

Gender inequality is a huge problem in football, men's football has a much bigger, stereotypical reputation for being 'better' than women's football. An unfair advantage for men's football is that they are payed considerably more than women, implimenting that men are better at their jobs. Also men's football has a lot more coverage, meaning that opinions being made on women's football is usually an unfair one, as they are rarely seen or heard in media due to the dominants of the opposite sex.