Flourish of Cullman
County is
By Kelly Wheeler
Let ’ s flourish in our understanding of what Flourish of Cullman County is truly all about .
If you have recently walked inside Zaxby ’ s restaurant in Cullman , the probability is you ’ ve more than likely been greeted with a smile and a lot of positive energy from the newest member of the team , Carver Donnelly .
Melissa Dew , the executive director for Flourish , shared that through the Flourish program Carver was able to gain skills to help him become one of the newest team members at Zaxby ’ s earlier this year .
And he is truly loving every minute of it , according to Dew .
“ He really is doing a fantastic job ,” said Dew . “ His manager , at the restaurant , said he is incredibly efficient in learning his job tasks . We ’ re so proud of the work he is doing .”
Donnelly is just one of many individuals with developmental barriers to employment who have entered the nonprofit organization to find ways to work and move toward independent lives .
In December , another amazing man , Jimmy Belk , was featured for his work at the Brandin Iron Steakhouse in Fairview .
Highlighted in a special Facebook post on the page , he was recognized for his ability to complete a multitude of jobs such as wrapping potatoes , rolls , silverware , sanitizing menus and so many other things . So , if you are searching for a great steak and baked potato , just stop in and mention to the staff at Brandin Iron how much you appreciate them for seeing the vision of inclusion .
Jimmy Belk was featured online on the Flourish Facebook Page for his work at the Brandin Iron Steakhouse in Fairview .