Cullman Senior Summer 2023 | Page 23

“ Micah explained that , “ we are all like caterpillars and one day we will enter the cocoon and transform into a majestic butterfly ,”’ Fortenberry said .
He said that Micah then further explained : “ As a caterpillar we only see what is in front of us , but when we transform into butterflies , we then see eternity that we never really knew existed .”
So , with that concept in mind , Ryan was compelled to create a children ’ s book — even though this would be his very first publication .
Fortenberry , who is a graduate of Auburn University with a bachelor ’ s degree in Criminal Justice , also graduated with a Master of Divinity from New Orleans Theological Seminary . He grew up in the Palmerdale community before moving to Hoover in his sophomore year .
“ I always knew that I wanted to pursue a career in law enforcement ,” ever since high school ,” he said . “ It was during that time in my life when I truly saw my calling was to serve in that capacity .”
Fortenberry was a graduate of the 1994 class of Hoover ’ s W . A . Berry High School and planned to attend Auburn University — where he would also realize another calling for his life : ministry .
Now , Fortenberry has been serving God in ministry for more than 26 years and currently serves as pastor of Pine Mountain Community Church in Remlap , Ala .
He and his wife , Julie , of 26 years , who works at CRMC in the audiology department , met while attending the Baptist Campus Ministries in College . They have two children , Micah and Kari Beth — who are both students at Cleveland — who have both now inspired Ryan to dabble in writing .
Currently , he has an idea ( that he hopes to keep under his hat until it is finished for another topic ) due to a conversation he had with his daughter .
“ I never thought I would be a published writer , but here I am and we have sold more than 1,000 copies with this book ,” said Fortenberry . “ What I have enjoyed most , though , about the entire process is all of the feedback about how it has helped kids who have lost loved ones .”
And of course , when designing the book , [ Ryan ] Fortenberry had to find a way to illustrate his son ’ s thoughts so the process would be easy for any child ( or even adult ) to understand .
And with the help of Holly Pond native , Jeremy Loyd , a vision about Heaven came to life — that was bright and inspiring .
“ Jeremy did a wonderful job with the graphics ,” said Fortenberry . “ He was able to take my thought process and illustrate it in a way that a child would understand .”
Plus , if you really stop and think about it , Fortenberry ’ s story is unique in the fact that not everyone can say they have a dual calling in life .
However , Fortenberry , really is among those who not only are able to enjoy a full-time job in law enforcement , but also is able to incorporate his calling as a minister when he comes into contact people who are hurting or going through difficult times .
“ I have witnessed first-hand how our world is hurting through my job , and I want to be able to serve God in every aspect I can ,” Fortenberry said .
‘ We are Like Catepillars ’ has a facebook page and the book can also be ordered through the link on that site , as well as Amazon , Barnes and Noble , and Walmart .
If you explore the facebook page , you will see great reviews about the book .
Marva McRae wrote “ This is the perfect book to get your children for Easter or just any time . I highly recommend this book .”
Visit https :// www . facebook . com / wearelikecaterpillarsbook / to learn more about the book and how you can purchase it for friends and family — it would make a great gift .
The book ‘ We Are Like Caterpillars ’ was written by Ryan Fortenberry and illustrated by Jeremy Loyd , of Holly Pond .