• Bittersweet Goodbye •
By Stephanie Lawson
Goodbyes are so often really hard . This one is bitter sweet . Saying goodbye to our Ava is bitter for us here at Commission on Aging but it is for such a SWEET reason . As many who attend our centers and events may know , Ava and her husband , DJ , increased their family of two to a beautiful family of three this past December . Through tears and explaining this has been the best job she has ever had , she described how God opened doors for her to be able to stay home with her sweet baby boy .
Ava came to us and jumped right into all things Commission on Aging . She had about six weeks to get us ready for the Senior Health Fair . Ava took the task at hand and ran with it . She did exactly that with every other event that came afterward . Ava was a great team player and was willing to help in any way she was asked . She has a gigantic heart for our seniors . She promised that she will be back to volunteer with us and you better believe we are going to hold her to that promise . So maybe we will not say goodbye to Ava but see you soon .
Ava King and Stephanie Lawson pose for a photo during the Fiesta Senior Healthcare in 2021 .
Ava King is pictured with her son , Weston and husband , DJ King .
Afterthoughts with Ava :
What a journey it has been at the Commission on Aging . I can ’ t say enough about how much I have enjoyed my time with everyone . From my coworkers to the seniors , it did not take long before everyone felt like family . My ��������������������������������������������������� love , you ’ ll never work a day in your life .” For a long time , I never understood those words , but I can truly say I knew exactly what he meant when I began my journey at Commission on Aging . I was always eager and excited ��������������������������������������������������������� helping and entertaining precious folks was something that brought so much joy to my heart .
�������������������������������������������������� Stephanie and Becky told me we had a Senior Health Fair to pull together in six weeks . I thought to myself , “ What in the world is a Senior Health Fair ,” but I quickly learned and six weeks later we had a “ Fitness Fiesta .” It was always a joy coordinating senior events because no matter what the event was , we were going to make sure we had a good time .