Cullman Senior Summer 2023 | Page 18

Rhonda Brewer , the Colony Senior Center manager , created this entire bulletin board in recognition of the seniors during Black History Month and also as a surprise for the 45th birthday celebration .
All the senior participants were encouraged by Brewer to find a school picture of themselves and fill out a questionnaire answering questions tailored toward their own unique stories .
Pointing at her questionnaire , Eartha shared that one of her favorite facts about herself is her love for singing .
“ Most people might not actually realize this but I had always dreamed of becoming a soloist ,” Cole said . “ So that is one fact about me I am so proud to put on our bulletin board for display .”
Cole wasn ’ t the only senior who returned her assignment to Brewer for their picture / questionnaire to be on display .
There were more than a dozen photos of seniors , in order from oldest to youngest participants , allowing anyone , a member or even just a visitor , to stop by and reflect on the decades passed .
In unique fashion , the Colony Senior celebrated its 45th anniversary during February ’ s Black History Month , even though they officially opened in September .
Since Brewer wanted to do something special to tie it all together , she decided that she would hold the 45th anniversary celebration in February .
“ The senior citizens at Colony love their community ,” said Brewer . They love their churches and they love their Senior Center , which was opened 45 years ago .”
The neat thing , according to Brewer is that the senior raised the money to build it , and it cost somewhere around $ 16,000 in 1978 ,” said Brewer . “ This year at the beginning of February , which as you know is Black History Month , I
told my seniors here at Colony that I wanted to something different .
In the past , Brewer said they have recognized Martin Luther King Jr ., Rosa Parks and President Obama : “ But I told them this year , I wanted to know about the seniors inside the four walls of the senior center . I wanted to know the history of the people that had become my friends . I wanted to know their information now , not read it an obituary later .”
The seniors agreed , according to Brewer , prompting her to give them the task of bringing her a school aged picture .
“ Sounds simple enough , right ,” asked Brewer . “ Well , wrong . Some seniors ’ houses had burned years ago and all the pictures were lost . Some pictures were so damaged you could barely see the image .”
However , this challenge , did not stop Brewer from accomplishing the creative momenta she was looking to achieve .
She just took the damage photos and teamed up with a friend of hers , Adrian Stanton , of England .
“ He was able to restore most of the photos for me ,” she said proudly .
And of course , the process didn ’ t just stop with the restoration of photos .
“ The process included me giving them a questionnaire to fill out . Basic information such as name , parent ’ s name , first jobs and where they went to school . I also asked them what the biggest challenge they faced growing up as well what kind of advice they would give to young black kids of today .