Cuenca Expats Magazine Issue 2 | Page 23

expat profile - Karen Kennedy YOUR LIFE ARE YOU MOST PROUD OF? My biggest accomplishment is having raised 6 kids around a lot of people with raised eyebrows (in astonishment, I suppose)…”SIX kids??? Didn’t you guys have a TV?” was a popular comment. Another one was, “Didn’t you get fixed?” to which I would say, “I wasn’t aware anything was broken!” The most famous one was, “Are all these yours?” to which I replied, “Oh no, I just hired them because I like to travel with an entourage!” Seriously, having six children is probably the most exciting, challenging, educational thing around!! You definitely learn a lot about human nature!! AYAHUASCA Ceremonies, treatments and retreats Ayahuasca is a potent holistic plant medicine with a broad spectrum of healing capabilities. Ceremonies are suitable for all ages and adapted for urban westerners. Private ceremonies are also available. English speaking profesional ‘gringo’ shaman and holistic healer: Thomas White Eagle for more information call: 0996149202 | Office in Cuenca city centre: Puerta de Hierro Galeries (near Hotel Alcazar) Calle Simon Bolivar 12-30 con Tarqui; Office: 209. 2nd floor Facebook: Thomas White Eagle Águila Blanca 9. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE DAILY WEAR ATTIRE? My favorite attire usually consists of big, warm sweaters and scarves, jeans (more fun if not the traditional blue), comfortable shoes and fingerless mittens! I am not into hot and humid climates much, but when obligated, will wear loose fitting tops and skirts. For a gala concert I will dress to the nines and be a Diva, but when I sing at the Cuenca Jazz Society, it’s feminine but not too formal. Image Advisor Beauty & Style Highlights/Lowlights Reconstructive capillary botox Permanent Straightening Waxing With Thread Gel Nail Designs 2 for 1 Mondays & Tuesdays 10. IF YOU COULD BE A SUPERHERO, WHAT WOULD YOU WANT YOUR SUPERPOWERS TO BE? If I could be a superhero, I wouldn’t opt for super strength or saving the world or such…those jobs are already taken by the “other guys”… I would hope for something like snapping my fingers so the housework could be done by itself, some kind of levitation thing where I wouldn’t waste my energy in having to lift it, wipe it, clean it, cook it…that sort of thing. I hate housework!! With this power, I would be able to visit my girlfriends, share my superpower, have a cup of tea, and we’d all have a break. The other super power I would use abundantly would be to extend God’s love to people who don’t have it. Being able to love people no matter what their condition or credo is a necessary gift in this day and age of constant conflict. My two superpowers would work hand in hand to make a better day for all my friends. 11. DO YOU MAKE FRIENDS EASILY? I love the opportunity to make new friends, but I must admit to being fiercely loyal but easily burned, so I don’t make the commitment lightly. 12. IF SOMEONE WROTE A BIOGRAPHY ABOUT YOU, WHAT DO YOU THINK THE TITLE SHOULD BE? It really would be fun if someone decided to write my biography. I think they’d laugh a lot, because I have done many ridiculous things over the years. If someone did, the title would have to read, “Karen Was Here”. Azahares 1-11 y Lirios 4090180 / 0979010406 Image Advisor Beauty & Style Lunch and Snacks Eating is a necessity, but healthy eating makes you feel GREAT! On-site Service • Buffets for all Social Occasions • Special Dietary Needs Welcome Fray Luis de León y Cristóbal Colón (2 blocks from Parque Iberia) 07 2886777 / 099 9823547 [email protected] FREE HOME DELIVERY Hours: (10-3 and 6-10) CALL TODAY!