Cubed Issue #8, Free Edition | Page 9

mocking the player for their failure. The best example was Space Quest, which included dozens of humorous ways in which you could kill yourself, after which the narrator berated you. Highlights include "Thank you for playing Space Quest. Too bad you've failed miserably and doomed all your people to a horrible death at the hands of the Sariens. If you continue playing as skilfully as this, we'll never have a chance for a sequel. Better luck next time." Not saved your game? Tough. Go back to the start. LucasArts, a rival, always looked down on Sierra for their eagerness for character death and dead ends, viewing it as a bad design choice. When the industry was relatively new, there was perhaps a willingness to accept the authority of the game and the parameters it placed on you. Needing to keep the custard pie so you can throw it at a yeti later in the game (Kings Quest V). Needing to die at least once so you can understand the intentions of the designer. Those were just the rules. Now they seem like shoddy work. That’s not to say that death as a mechanic is inherently a bad idea. Many games would not exist without death. Those who used cheat codes to gain infinite health on first person shooter games such as Doom would quickly find that all the tension had been sapped from the experience. Playing God might be cool for a while, but it doesn’t necessarily make for a satisfying game – unless you’re actually playing a God game like Populous. "The death of a character distances a player from them, devalues their life, and reduces replayability" 7 A twist on the mechanic are those games that carry on in the face of death. The original Wing Commander, Aliens: Infestation, the recent Until Dawn and most RPGs kill off characters if they die in battle or as part of the narrative. If a character dies, the plot is reconfigured to take this into account. What is constant is that if the player character dies, or is knocked out, the game will often end without the player being able to resurrect them. Some designers have chosen to break from the regular hero narrative structure and have killed off their main character at the end of the game. This is an interesting twist, and invariably has led to funeral scenes in the epilogue where the characters’ life is remembered, and supporting characters turn up to pay tribute. Sometimes the players’ choices in the game influence who is there. This is fair - literary heroes don’t always triumph, so why should the hero in a computer game? The two issues with killing off the protagonist both involve the relationship between the player and the character. First, a player may feel hard done by when a character acts in a way in a cut scene that is contrary to how they might have handled the situation had they been in control at the time. The second is spoilers. If a player finds out the ending before they get there, the fact that your character dies often makes the whole journey appear pointless. Is it time for a new direction? The death of a character distances a player from them, devalues their life, and reduces replayability, because you know the twist in advance. The Dark Souls games have developed an interesting take on death and rebirth that has been well received, for example, with your character being reborn as a Hollow. Some games, such as Spelunky and Rogue Legacy redesign their levels every time you die. The latter even changes your characters’ traits. In Shadow of Mordor, orcs that kill your character become stronger and rise up the ranks of Sauron’s army, and even remember that they killed you before. Death will always be a part of video games. But after so many years, perhaps it’s time to think of new ways to punish gamers for their failure.