Cubed Issue #8, Free Edition | Page 19

"The success of PokÉmon GO ultimately depends on whether the developers continue to support the game" night cycle on top of all this, where Gastlys and Clefairies become far more common after dark, and you have some fairly nice intricacies. While journeying around the world you will inevitably run into a point of interest. These are usually landmarks, but anything from churches to your local homoerotic book store have been flagged as points of interest. While you can technically pay real money for items, these points of interest will generally provide you with everything you need: Pokéballs, HP sprays, revivals and even the occasional egg if you’re lucky. Unfortunately, there are some discrepancy between rural and urban areas, with big towns having a point of interest every 30 seconds down a high street. Rural areas are another matter, with some rural Pokémon trainers claiming that they can go miles without a single stop, ultimately leading to a frustration as their supply of Pokéballs begins to dwindle. Now before we go any further, let’s address the elephant in the room. No, the trademark Pokémon battle system is not in Pokémon GO – this is without a doubt the game’s greatest weakness. In its place is an uninspiring series of left and right swipes to dodge blows, and tapping on a screen to fight back. It’s clunky, unreliable, and frankly, not the Pokémon we all know and love. Currently, the only place fighting is permitted is in gyms, which can be controlled by one of three teams that you may join at any given time. Rewards for personally controlling the gym include currency that otherwise you have to pay for. Considering the rewards are so important, it’s sad that they’re only obtainable through the most enjoyable feature of the game. The important thing about Pokémon GO is that it is a half-decent starting point. Only the first generation, excluding legendries (and poor little Ditto) are included, and player favourites like shinnies and evolution stones are, at least for now, tossed aside as well. With more Pokémon, a social and trading system and a re- This one generated a lot of buzz How many Duos does a Doduo Do if a Doduo does do duos? Remember to groom your charmeleon regularly, or this will happen. vamped battle system, this game could stick around for the long run. The success of Pokémon GO ultimately depends on whether the developers continue to support the game and add new, sorely needed features in the future. The big question is, if this game wasn’t based on Pokémon, and instead on some newly concocted franchise, would it still be generating the hype it currently is? Simply put: no. When you look at it, Pokémon GO, in its current state, is very minimal. While the GPS aspect might be something new, there really isn’t much there. NOSTALGIA: 10 FUN 8.5 FEATURES 2 LONGETIVITY 2 Add on top of this the hot mess of technical problems, stability issues that the game is currently experiencing and the radio silence from the development team, and you have a game that would be getting critically slaughtered if it were under any other name. Despite everything, at the end of the day, this isn’t under another name. This is a Pokémon game, and while it may be hypocritical to say, the simple fact that I am able to live out my childhood wish of going out into the world to catch Pokémon makes the game infinitely more enjoyable – flaws and all. 5.6 17