human ,” Dr . Locke says . “ Our study demonstrates that major barriers to human xenotransplantation have been surmounted , identifies where new knowledge is needed to optimize xenotransplantation outcomes in humans , and lays the foundation for establishing a novel preclinical human model for further study .”
The study ’ s findings are encouraging , but more studies are needed before xenotransplantation becomes a therapeutic reality .
“ These positive results demonstrate how xenotransplantation could address the worldwide organ shortage crisis ,” Dr . Locke says . “ We have a long way to go before it is available to the masses , but we will push forward into the phase of making this breakthrough treatment a reality .”
“ This game-changing moment in the history of medicine represents a paradigm shift and a major milestone in the field of xenotransplantation .”
Jayme Locke , MD , MPH , Director , UAB Comprehensive Transplant Institute
Xeno Support The CTI is one of very few xenotransplantation centers in the world . UAB ’ s xenotransplantation efforts are supported by biotechnology pioneer United Therapeutics Corp ., which awarded a grant to launch the innovative xenotransplantation program . United Therapeutics subsidiary Revivicor Inc . provided the genetically modified pig that was the source of the investigational xenotransplant kidneys called UKidney™ .
“ All of us at Revivicor are in awe of the historic achievements at UAB with our investigational 10-gene xenokidney , or UKidney ,” says David Ayares , PhD , chief scientific officer at Revivicor and a trailblazing genetic engineer since his early work cloning the world ’ s first pigs . “ We feel confident that this UKidney may turn out to be a lifesaving solution for thousands of people on dialysis , subject to successful completion of our clinical trials and achievement of FDA approval in the next several years .” uabmedicine . org / refertransplant 5