CTED Seminars & Continuing Education Fall 2022 Fall 2022 | Page 31

• Establish a framework to increase inclusion at the organizational level
• Recognize different ways of conveying respect
• Address conflict productively and respectfully
• Lead by example and be part of the solution Date : October 11 & 13 , 2022 8:30 a . m . – 10:30 a . m . Cost : $ 99
The workforce is changing rapidly . An increasing number of employees work offsite , by choice ( theirs or their employer ’ s ) or by necessity . A few years ago , 34 million Americans worked remotely at least occasionally , and that number is expected to jump to 63 million by the middle of this decade . Some of your employees may work at home , in close proximity to the onsite team . Others may be scattered around the country or the globe . Given the increasingly global nature of today ’ s organizations — as well as improvements in technology that facilitate virtual collaboration and a workforce that insists on more flexibility and independence — this trend is likely to keep gaining momentum .
By improving your ability to manage offsite employees , you will empower yourself in many ways . You will increase your ability to recruit , hire , and retain the right employees for a job . You will help ensure that your team is cohesive and productive . You will know how to avoid costly , time-consuming problems and help your team meet its goals . As Dave Ross , cofounder of workplace solutions firm The Vaya Group , explains , skillful managers of remote employees “ can build camaraderie , create a more positive work environment , and encourage stronger business performance regardless of distance .”
In this seminar , we will :
• Discuss the benefits and challenges of offsite working relationships for employees , managers , and organizations
• Explain the importance of successfully managing offsite employees
• Identify the factors and tools that must be in place for an offsite employee to be effective
October 18 & 20 , 2022 8:30 a . m . – 10:30 a . m . Cost : $ 99
Mindfulness goes beyond meditation . Being more mindful is about being more present and in the moment . People that are more mindful are able to remain calmer , they are more present and conscious of what they are doing and how they are responding . They create connections and allow people to do more self-regulation . Being mindful is being fully aware , notice how not only the mind is knowing , but the physical body is also feeling . When we are mindful , we can reduce stress , increase performance , create a deeper awareness and observe . People that are more mindful can be more productive and accurate as well .
Learn how to utilize mindfulness to :
• Be more creative and innovative in the workplace
• Think strategically , set goals or intentions
• Develop personally and professionally
• Be less reactive in tense moments
• Be more productive at work
• East tension , stress , and anxiety October 19 , 2022 2:00 p . m . – 4:00 p . m . Cost : $ 59
According to the American Management Association , a communication skills set is one of the six core competencies a manager needs to develop . One reason is that effective communication between managers and employees is essential for an organization to succeed . Managers communicate so that their employees know what is expected of them , understand what it is that they ’ re doing correctly , and identify where they might need to improve . Clear communication also helps to increase employees ’ motivation and commitment .
The results of unclear communication can be costly : poor performance and work quality , inefficiency , inability to achieve goals , misunderstandings , frustration , disappointment , anger , reduced job satisfaction , and increased turnover . Learning to communicate effectively with employees helps you to have better relationships with your employees , encounter fewer problems , and achieve your goals more easily , making you more valuable to your organization . The ability to communicate clearly is an essential management skill that can make your job more fulfilling and improve your career prospects .
This course explores the following in depth :
• What it means to listen actively why it is essential for clear communication
• How to clearly convey your message so that employees have the required information to do their jobs
• How to communicate the results , actions , and behaviors you expect from employees
• Helping employees to develop and achieve performance goals through a collaborative conversation
October 25 & 27 , 2022 8:30 a . m . – 10:30 a . m . Cost : $ 99