CTE Newsletter November 2018

CENTER FOR Teachin EXCELLENCE Eastern Florida State College SUPPORTING AND SERVING EFSC FACULTY The CTE Quarterly Vol. 3 November 2018 IN THIS ISSUE Coming January 3, 2019 Spring Welcome Back 8:00-8:30 a.m. ................ Breakfast ..............................Melbourne - 005 Atrium FACULTY SPOTLIGHT See pg. 2 for information about one of our fantastic faculty members, Scott Herber. 8:30-11:00 a.m. .............. Welcome Back ..................... Melbourne - 004 Meeting Auditorium 11:00-11:30 a.m. ............ Meet with UFF ..................... Melbourne - 004 Auditorium 1:00 p.m. ......................... Workshops ........................... Varied WORKSHOP TRACKS 1. Green Dot 2. Academic Incivility: Strategies to Improve Classroom Professionalism in a Four-Year College 3. Minority Male Initiative Warm-Up 4. Designing a Study Abroad Experience EFSC INITIATIVES Learn more about the College- wide Minority Male Initiative on pg. 3, and read about motivation with an in-depth analysis by Dr. Andrew Dutra on the insert inside. 5. Connecting the Dots with Institutional Research 6. Using Theater Techniques to Improve Teaching and Communication 7. Curriculum Builder Service Workshop 8. How to Tech in the Classroom Please be sure to register, as seating is limited: http://www.easternflorida.edu/faculty-staff/training-and-development/ training-calendar.cfm CTE111831 No matter what anybody says, you could always use more tools. globaldigitalcitizen.org/resources Page 1