Adapt, Advance, Achieve: Connecticut’s Plan to Learn and Grow Together
Professional Development
• Prioritize mandatory training for staff, before the beginning of the school year, that
covers signs and symptoms of COVID-19, Standard Public Health protocols, Hygiene
Practices, PPE, Reporting Illnesses, and supporting SEL. Plan ongoing trainings as
changes occur in recommendations and public health data.
• It is recommended that Professional Development & Evaluation Committees (PEDCs)
meet (virtually or via phone) to make recommendations about professional learning,
resources, and supports for paraeducators, teacher, and administrators.
• Beyond training for the health and safety related needs of the school community, plan
to provide teacher and staff professional development related to use of technology
platforms, training on supporting and giving feedback to students training on the
accessibility needs of students with disabilities, and training on effective student
engagement (by grade level) within online/hybrid learning environments. Include
substitute teachers when possible.
• Provide professional learning to build educators capacity to support students’
SEL and also support their own mental health and wellness. Sessions can be led
by mental health staff on topics such as active listening, compassion, relationship
building. One such mental health related training option is Question, Persuade, Refer