Adapt, Advance, Achieve: Connecticut’s Plan to Learn and Grow Together
• Equitable Access to High Quality Online Curriculum Including Necessary Supports
Use funding to support further development, in consultation with stateprovided
resources, of high quality online curriculum, including necessary
Unlike the initial wave of the pandemic during spring 2020 where there was
little time to prepare, schools should be well equipped to provide robust
learning opportunities to students in the event additional class cancellations
occur during the 2020-21 school year.
• Education Recovery and Reopening Schools
Ensure fiscal and budgetary planning includes support for education recovery,
including but not limited to funding for staffing for extended day/afterschool
remedial programming; summer school or extension of the school year; and
additional instructional supplies/equipment.
• Social-Emotional Well-being
Review the detailed content of this document related to social-emotional
learning (SEL) needs of students, staff, and the school community, and plan
financial support for a heightened need.
Reserving Funds: Reserve and plan funding to support the school board’s contingency
plans to support students in cases of class cancellations, including but not limited to the
required budgeting to provide meals, address digital access issues, engage in robust
blended learning, and support SEL.
Contracting, Insurance Policies, and Internal Protocols: Assess with board counsel if
contracts need revisions to align with the district’s approach to reopening. Also, consider
any other insurance policies, internal processes, and money-handling policies to determine
if changes, additional spending controls, or available budget balancing strategies will be