Adapt, Advance, Achieve: Connecticut’s Plan to Learn and Grow Together
5. Operations Plan
Before July 24, 2020, LEAs and all school operators, including but not limited to choice
programs, charter schools, and endowed academies will be expected to submit a plan to the
CSDE addressing the requirements outlined in this document. Connecticut Unified School
District 1 (USD #1) and Unified School District (USD #2), provide unique programming including
classes in residential settings, and measures necessary to protect the health and safety of
students and staff in these districts may require flexibility of these guidelines, and working
strategically with the CSDE and DPH related to submission of these plans. While the CSDE will
not approve such plans, they will be retained and best practices communicated and will allow
CSDE to provide technical support for those LEAs who require it. School administrators should
work closely in consultation with local health officials and municipalities to develop appropriate
plans that comply with the current public health guidance.
The Connecticut LEA School Reopening Template is provided here as a compilation of the critical
requirements identified within this document needing to be addressed for each local educational
agency (LEA) or school operator in submitting their reopening plan.
Classroom Layout
• Maximize social distancing between student workstations, achieving 6 feet when
feasible, when determining the classroom layout. Desks should face in the same
direction (rather than facing each other), or students should sit on only one side of
tables, spaced apart.
• Where necessary, assess other space that may be repurposed for instruction in the
school, in municipal or other community space, or if the school will require additional
modular space.
• Maximize space between the teacher and students due to the risk of increased
droplets from teachers during instruction. If a teacher removes face covering or mask
during instruction, spacing should be increased beyond six feet. For teachers who
stay seated, a physical barrier may be an effective option.
• Determine the exact student-to-teacher ratio based upon individual student needs
and available space. Both students and additional support professionals should be
considered when assessing the appropriate density for a room.
• Install floor markings to illustrate social/physical distancing.
• Use outdoor instruction where health and safety conditions and physical space allow,
considering, for example, allergies and/or asthma symptoms.
• Ensure the classroom cohort will have access to washing stations, and if necessary,
plan for temporary washing stations or hand sanitizer dispensers.
Reopening of Facilities Before First Day of Classes
• Comply with DPH Guidance for Cleaning and Disinfecting of Schools during
• Comply with DPH Return to Service Guidance for Building Water Systems.