C&T Publications REVOLUTIONS II - April 2015 | Page 21
Running on empty: How far can you really go?
(BPT) - Whether intentional or purely circumstantial, it's likely that most experienced drivers have seen the low-fuel
light illuminate their vehicle's dashboard at least once. For some drivers, the fuel light is a source of anxiety as they
search for the closest gas station. For others, it can be a bragging right, proudly boasting how far they push their gas
tanks to the limit.
It's no secret that an automobile can continue to run after the fuel light comes on, but should drivers rely on the extra
mileage it allows?
For traveling musician Chris Jones, 30, of Sioux Falls, S.D., seeing the fuel light on his dashboard usually comes as no
surprise. Jones, a professional graphic designer during the week, travels with his band across North and South Dakota,
Minnesota, Nebraska and Iowa nearly every weekend of the year.
"I'm constantly driving across the Midwest with my band, and I run low on gas more often than I should admit," Jones
says. "It seems the gas light always comes on when I've just passed the last gas station for miles. Considering the areas
where I travel, I get pretty nervous about running out of gas on the side of a remote highway. It's not a good feeling, but
I think we've all been there."
It's likely most drivers would agree that the fuel light often comes on at inopportune times. Stuck in traffic on a
freeway; running late for an important appointment; or driving on a country road with no towns or gas stations in sight,
is when drivers decide to push the fuel gauge past the 'E' signal.
Some popular car models can make it between 30 and 50 miles after the fuel light goes on, according to a study by Pick
Analysis. The average Chevrolet Silverado will continue for about 33 miles beyond empty. Smaller cars like the
Volkswagen Jetta average about 43 miles and the Toyota Corolla tops the list at 47 miles.
Knowing how far a vehicle can drive with low fuel may be reassuring, but the effects of low-fuel driving can be
damaging to the car.
"When you're running low on gas, it's best not to push your luck," say 2