C&T Publications Eye On Fine Art Photography - September 2014 | Page 50
Creating Digital Abstract Art
Digital Art has proven to be a great way to create art. After the first time I tried it I was caught hook, line and sinker and I haven't
gone back to painting since. why would I? Digital art isn't messy, doesn't require a studio, can be done at minimal cost etc.
A considerable part of my portfolio is comprised of digital images. I am always vigilantly paying attention to the way that things
bend and the quality of the lines. There are certain indicators that arise in the image, typically that I am about to lose the
composition; it usually is a line or shape that has become chattered and separates.
Over time I have developed a technique and I make sure that all of my digital imagery has hit various points before I can call it art. I
will pull each photo through at least 4 different photo apps. always ending with the the app that has the best image quality. By using
various apps you can use the same feature in each app and they all have a different result. X,Y,Z coordinates is one of my favorite
ways to refine forms, however it only gets great results depending on what kind of image was selected and how the negative space
has been approached. (NS) is the best way to create but it does require a bit of time to understand how and why certain elements
react in the composition
There are a few other areas that help you in achieving great results and also cover up any traces of burn or artifact foot prints. In
between each function that is applied it is a good idea to rotate the image a quarter way, then apply the next function, followed by
another quarter rotation. Follow these rotations all the way up to the last step before you hit save and are finished.
Also try using the blur setting followed by the glow effect. This does dull the image but by applying saturation, contrast and
highlights in equal proportions the image will become vibrant and the contrast and highlights will smooth and sharpen the
composition greatly.