C&T Publications Eye on Fine Art Photography - June 2014 | Page 94

Submitting Content: Do you have photographic art, an article or a tutorial you would like to share? We are currently looking for new and interesting content to share with our readers. We do not limit acceptance of submissions from the United States only. Anyone may offer content for consideration. Although we cannot guarantee that all submissions will be included in our publication, we are happy to see what you have to offer for consideration. Contact Us: To email submissions to us please send to: [email protected] or [email protected] Make sure to include the type of material you are submitting in the Subject of the email. We are accepting submissions of the following content: Photographic Art: When submitting art please include a brief You can also follow us at: biography, a photo of yourself and information about the photographic art piece. Please only submit photographic art created by you, and if a model appears in the piece please send a Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/EyeonFineArtPhotography copy of the model release. We do not accept anything that violates corporate copyright. Twitter: https://twitter.com/FineArtPhotoMag Local Events: If you have photographed a local event we would Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/fineartphotoma/ love to see it! Please include information about the event, when Our Website: http://ctpublications.com/ and where it took place, and any other pertinent information. Our Blog: http://ctpublishingco.wordpress.com/ Articles & Product Reviews: Have you written an article about photography or a product review that you would like to share with our readers? Please send it to us for consideration and We will also be hosting regular contests in order to choose publication in a future issue. Photographic Features, so please check our Fine Art America Tutorials, DIY Projects, Fun with Photography, Tips & group to keep up-to-date and informed: Tricks: We are also in need of these types of articles and fillers http://fineartamerica.com/groups/eye-on-fine-art-photographyfor the magazine, so if you have talent in the above topics please magazine.html submit your ideas to us for future inclusion in the magazine. Letters to the Editors, Questions & Comments: Please feel OUR MAGAZINE: welcome to contact us with constructive comments! Digital Diary: This section is all about our readers sharing their http://www.magcloud.com/browse/magazine/687750 daily lives in pictures and words. Send five or six photos taken around your town or home, along with small stories or information about each photo. 92