C&T Publications Eye on Fine Art Photography - June 2014 | Page 76

Sand Castle Left Behind © Laurie Pike. http://fineartamerica.com/featured/sand-castle-left-behind-laurie-pike.html Sand castles do not need to follow a strict form, as the charmingly whimsical example above proves. The spattering of seashells and the slightly lopsided canter adds a nostalgic feel to this piece, with the look beautifully enhanced by Laurie's superb filtering treatment. There is something very free and light about this sand castle, as if the builder's only intent was to create something fun that would lift a smile on the lips of curious passersby. “History is a child building a sand-castle by the sea, and that child is the whole majesty of man's power in the world.” Heraclitus, On Nature 74