C&T Publications Eye on Fine Art Photography - June 2014 | Page 65

IRRESISTIBLE INDIA by Amanda Stadther amandastadther.com India is one of those places you will never forget, especially if you are a photographer but it is hard work! The first time I went I was so terrified I didn't leave my New Delhi hotel for two days. Many people who go to India stay in bigname Western hotels surrounded by gates and security, but not me...I had to be different, I wanted to see the real India, how people lived and worked. The real India was hot, humid, loud, fast, crumbling, dirty and barely under control. The hotel I chose was in a busy part of the city with many markets, food sellers, beggars and young men on motorcycles seeming to have a death wish as they curled around citizens on foot at high speed. For two days I sat on the front steps with my camera trying to be brave but on the third morning it was hunger that finally made me leave my perch and wander down the street. Woman trader, Chanderi, India. © Amanda Stadther 63