C&T Publications Eye on Fine Art Photography - June 2014 | Page 49
The night sky when dark is so amazing to view that our Neighboring galaxy becomes visible to our naked eye. The Andromeda a
spiral galaxy can be seen very clearly in the night sky when there is no light pollution and there is no moon to pollute the sky. The
below photograph shows the Andromeda which is seen as a bright spot with a haze around it. The haze is the galaxy’s gaseous
Also there are several nebulae that become visible in the night sky when the sky is dark and the most easily identifiable nebula that
can be seen is the Orion Nebula as shown in the picture below. The Orion Nebula can be easily viewed using a telescope or a
binocular. The photo below was captured using the Sky Tracker at 600mm telephoto lens on a crop sensor.