C&T Publications Eye on Fine Art Photography - June 2014 | Seite 18

Changing your white balance may differ from camera to camera. It's crucial to check your camera instruction manual to see how to do this. I know where they are on the Canon 5D but I am unfamiliar with where they are on a Nikon. I trust that the process is quite alike from manufacturer to manufacturer. Shooting with a grey card is an essential part of your colour management workflow. Colour management is one of the unsung heroes of photography. It is vital with all the photographing that you do. You will be able to get correct colour in your brighter areas, mid tones and shadows. No longer will your whites look off-white or your deep black look dark grey. If you set white balance to suit the available light then you will find that white actually appears like a sharp and crisp white. Once you find that your colour management has been done properly achieving accurate, clear and beautiful colour will become as simple as pressing the shutter button. Amy Renfrey is a professional photography teacher. She shows you how to take stunning photos every single time, even if you have never used a digital camera before. To discover how to take stunning photos better than ever before visit her website today. Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Amy_Renfrey Free Resources: Photography Gray Cards: http://www.workwithcolor.com/gray-card-6475.htm Free Downloadable 18% Gray Card: https://picasaweb.google.com/VerizzoPhotoEstate/18GrayCard#5176699060338827506 Make Your Own Gray Cards: http://www.diyphotography.net/diy-making-your-own-gray-cards/ Using a Gray Card: http://people.goshen.edu/~marvinpb/graycd.html Using Colour Theory in Photography: http://shuttermonks.com/using-color-theory-in-photography/ Watts Digital Imaging Free Color Wheel: http://www.wattsdigital.com/freecolorwheelstuff.html “The purest and most thoughtful minds are those which love color the most.” ― John Ruskin, The Stones of Venice 16