C&T Publications Eye on Fine Art Photography - July 2014 | Page 58

3. Get a coop or hen house You'll need some basic supplies in order to keep your chicks healthy so they can grow and produce eggs. Start with a secure coop that provides protection from the weather as well as from predators. Make sure it is properly ventilated but does not let in moisture which can make your chickens ill. You'll also need a perch to encourage roosting in the henhouse. A chicken's natural instinct is to roost on limbs at night, so a perch - such as a wooden ladder - encourages them to do so inside instead of out. 4. Stock supplies to encourage egg laying Depending on the breed, hens typically lay eggs once every day through spring and summer, and sometimes into fall. Hens need 12 to 14 hours of daylight to stimulate egg production, so adding a few hours of light as days shorten in fall will help extend the laying season. In addition to the light, you'll need plenty of nutritious feed and a continuous supply of water. Chickens can eat some table scraps, including bread, cooked meats, fruits and vegetables. You'll also need wood shavings for litter and cushioning nesting boxes. The best way to ensure you start your flock correctly is to talk with people who are experienced in raising chickens. Your community may have groups focused on self reliance and green living, or you may want to visit your local Tractor Supply store to speak directly to the experts who work there. No matter what, keep motivated in your efforts - raising chickens, growing food and living independently is a rewarding lifestyle for the entire family whethe