CT Magazine issue 4 - JAN13 | Page 18

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S & S Angels Fashion Designers
S & S ANGELS is a female focused fashion brand created by sisters from East London , Samantha Andrew and Sereena Andrew , in May 2012 . We launched our website ( www . sandsangels . co . uk ) to online consumers in August 2012 where we are currently selling ladies handbags but later plan on launching a clothing and jewellery line . We appeal to women who are looking for bold , unique and innovative designs .
Samantha Andrew : Qualified with a BA HONS Performing Arts , PGDE Drama . Samantha has worked in the creative arts industry for over 10 years now . In her spare time she does commercial / fashion modelling as well as design art work for jewellery and clothing that S & S angels will be providing in the future .

Sereena Andre : Qualified with a BA HONS English and film . A creative individual who has a love for fashion and the entertainment world . Sereena is a model , dancer and part time street dance teacher . www . sandsangels . co . uk