CT Magazine issue 3 - DEC12 | Page 5

www . facebook . com / lanaparkerpage





P arker

" I feel extremely lucky to be allowed the opportunity to model . The beginnings of what could be a career have somewhat fallen on my plate , and began developing rapidly of their own accord .
I know that many struggle tirelessly for years to be given a chance to shine in this field , and I wonder if given the ease of my introduction whether it will be an uphill struggle from here on in !
Lana Parker lana . parker @ hotmail . co . uk
Dennis Valdez sprakenyte @ yahoo . com
Image Editing Clyde Mosst www . clydemosst . com
I would no way deem myself worthy of being called a " professional " model ; yes I am paid for what I do , however I believe this title takes years of hard work to really achieve . I have only really been modelling for the last six months , although if you asked Photographer my mother - Darren sheO-Brien would probably suggest that Model I modelled - Nick Danksmy way out of her womb , and looking back at some of my childhood photos I would probably , cringingly , agree !
After a nudge from a friend I started out , as many do , using online portfolio sites to gain my confidence , and after being scouted by an agency , began to test with some wonderful photographers very quickly . As I am based in Surrey I have been blessed with being able to easily shoot in many great studios and locations throughout Greater London ."

www . facebook . com / lanaparkerpage