CSM Game-Changer Issue with Cristiano Ronaldo 2019 GAME-CHANGER ISSUE - Heather Blackburn | Page 115
CSM: What exactly motivates you to be a game-
changer and how do you do it?
JACOB: I think my shear passion and enthusiasm for
the sport makes me feel that way. It adopts that sense
of a ‘game-changer’ tendency for me. I do it through
this alone and make sure everyone knows how much
I love what I do! Like I said with the emotion, it’s
the same here. My motivation is very intrinsic, and
in my opinion, that is how I want to stay. Getting
mixed up in the unnatural side of things, and many of
the underlying aspects of the industry can be harmful
psychologically. So, I remain intrinsically motivated
so I can be a game-changer.
CSM: Describe the true nature of being sexy and an
eye-catching individual.
JACOB: I don’t outline myself as this, but what I
would say is that it strongly links to the above state-
ments. Stand out, be confident and smash goals. You
must also never be afraid to fail, like I have stated!
CSM: The industry you are in right now is very fast-
paced, full of competition and full of talent and un-
avoidable politics at times. What makes you stand
out and how do you keep up with talented people
around you?
JACOB: This industry is extremely competitive, and
I think to stand out you must be different. I am forev-
er improving and trying every day to learn something
new. This helps me have the most updated knowledge
and understanding of the things around this industry,
but also allows me to use many more techniques to
motivate and inspire. The world is full of huge stars
and inspiring people, that I myself look up to, how-
ever what I don’t do is try and be them! For one, you
are your own person and two, be different, stand out
and take their careers and lifestyle and think bigger
and better and try and do that yourself. Remember to
be inspired, don’t copy and compare.
CSM: Work-wise, what does it take to be successful
in this type of profession?
JACOB: Having a great work ethic is one of the main
reasons of success in this profession. You must rise
earlier and sleep shorter, this is a great quote I go by
from the quality of Arnold Schwarzenegger. It takes
more than knowledge to succeed in this industry, it
takes confidence and you must apply it! Its all good
a PT knowing how to work their client, but can they
teach it? If they can’t teach it, its as much use of a
brand-new car with no engine, it won’t go anywhere!
You must work hard and for me, as its mainly just
training, it is very taxing, but I remember my goals,
where I’ve come from and single handily the amount
of work I’ve put in up to now and that itself keeps me
in check for working hard.
CSM: What is your great advice to those who will
venture this kind of work?
JACOB: My advice is different, as many people have
been in for a lot longer than myself! However, what
I have learned is stay committed. Results, goals and
achievements take a long time to be smashed and
achieved and you must understand that it takes a long
time. However, in the work side of things I think you
must love it. Many of the job roles are practical and I
would go as far as saying, if you enjoy what you do,
you will not work a day in your life! This is so true,
especially in this industry. Do it, at the end of the day,
you need to try it out and don’t stop if one hurdle
gets in the way, pick up the hurdle, and start that race
again and get over it next time. Don’t be afraid of
failure ever, failure is bad at the time, however it gets
a whole lot better when you can look back and say, I
beat that, because I ventured into the work and I took
it by the horns and stay committed.
CSM: Cast a magic spell and wave your magic wand,
where do you see yourself ten years from now?
JACOB: 10 years from now I want to have even
more goals set and being achieved! I want to be suc-
cessful in this industry and make sure I inspire and
help someone every day, in the journey that I can
hopefully look back on and be proud of. I want to
make sure I have had the best 10 years, as they’re
so important and I will never get them back! So, as
much as I want to be successful and in the top league
of the fitness industry, I also want to have had some
personal development done. 10 years is a long time
and for myself, I want to go through many changes
and adapt to the lifestyles that I adopted throughout
that decade.