CSM Game-Changer Issue with Cristiano Ronaldo 2019 GAME-CHANGER ISSUE - Heather Blackburn | Page 100

CSM: How do you keep yourself educated or up- dated for latest trends and information in healthy living or lifestyle? DASHAY: I don’t typically follow or incorporate the “health trends or fads” that are glamourized on social media. Social media has become the new platform for people to market their unsolic- ited advice on things such as health and fitness all the while not have a background in the field. I like to stick to the basics of nutrition and exercise that have been proven to work time after time. I like to do my research on things involving health and fit- ness and seek out the advice of professionals in the medical field as well trainer and nutritionists with an extensive background in the field. CSM: How important is food and nutrition to you as a model, athlete or as an individual? DASHAY: FOOD IS EVERYTHING!! Seriously, everything we do as an athlete, model and individ- ual is centered on food. Food/nutrition is so im- portant for an athlete in order to achieve their best results and to perform at the optimal level. CSM: Describe the essential skills to be effective in maintaining your figure or shape. DASHAY: Always have a goal set to work towards. Find balance in your everyday life and fitness life- style as well as being consistent with what you do to reach your goals. CSM: What are your ideas about non-organic food versus organic? DASHAY: I like to keep my food as simple as possible. I go for non-processed or prepackaged meals. Everything, being whole and as natural as possible. CSM: What are your views on an all-meat diet ver- sus a vegan diet? DASHAY: To each their own. Whatever works best for you and your body. Everyone has their own personal preferences and each diet has its own nutritional benefits. CSM: What groups of food do you usually eat? DASHAY: lean meats, fish, poultry, eggs, lots of veggies, fruits and occassional nuts CSM: Do you think customized meal plans are re- ally necessary? Why is that? DASHAY: Yes I do. Everybody is made differ- ently and have their own specific goals. Knowing how much of each food group and when to eat it is crucial to achieving your best results and reaching your goals. CSM: Any fitness goals for yourself? What are you aiming now? DASHAY: I’m always aiming to better my fitness lifestyle and improve my physique as I see fit. Whether it be leaning out and gaining more muscle or just balancing out my physique, I am always working to bring out my best. CSM: There are a lot of online coaches and lifestyle advisers out in the market already, what are the factors that people should take into consideration when hiring a personal trainer or online coaches or maybe investing some time and money to them? DASHAY: Do your research!! Consider the experi- ence and time an individual has a nutritionists and/ or trainer. The more time and experience one has will be a direct indication of how knowledgeable he or she is in the health and fitness industry. CSM: As a fitness and health enthusiast, what are the essential exercises you have to do? Why is that? DASHAY: I find people get too crazy trying new things they see on social media. I like to stick to the basics. Squats, lunges, rows, curls, overhead press- es and shoulder raises. From these 6 movements we can do different variations of each exercises to build our physique as needed for our goal. CSM: Do you have any gym etiquette advice for other people? DASHAY: GOOD HYGEINE!!! Be mindful of others who use the gym. CSM: Fact or myth? Does working out daily im- prove one’s sexual stamina or prowess during sex- ual activity? Why do you say so? DASHAY: Fact. Anything that can help build your endurance and make you feel sexy and confident in yourself will have a positive result. CSM: Fact or myth? Does living a healthy lifestyle keeps you happy and young? Why is that? DASHAY: Fact! Living a healthy lifestyle will open new doors to prolonging your life and your mental health. Anything producing positive effects in your life will carry over to other aspects of your life to help make better decisions that will ultimately lead to your overall happiness. Who doesn’t reaching personal goals and achievements? It brings a cer- tain sense of fulfillment I find. CSM: If you are our health ambassador and a lifestyle advocate, how would you help promote healthy living in school or in corporate world? DASHAY: It’s so important to lead by example. Encouraging kids and colleagues to make small changes that will lead to a healthier lifestyle by giving them solid information on nutrition and dai- ly exercises that can help then make better choices and understand the importance of a healthy diet with exercise. CSM: A lot of your followers are curious to know these, if there’s any food and beverage that you cannot resist what would that be and why? DASHAY: Ahhhh.... breakfast is my favorite meal of the daily. It’s so hard for me to resist pancakes and waffles. Who doesn’t love a pancake stuffed with cream cheese and strawberries. CSM: Any advice to individuals who wants to gain weight and lean muscle? Advise to people who want to lose weight and be sexy? DASHAY: Set a clear and simple goal for yourself. Write down your intentions and then put them in to play. Seek advice from a professional with a back- ground in the goals you are trying to reach. From there things tend to fall in to place.