CSM Game-Changer Issue with Cristiano Ronaldo 2019 BODY ISSUE - Lauren Flodquist | Page 330

CSM: This is your feature debut to be on Center Stage Magazine, what is the experience like when you are included in our roster for 2019’s Summer Body is- sue? SARAH: I was very surprised! I had seen many posts about features your for magazine but I honestly never thought that I would be included in one of them. CSM: What do you think makes Center Stage Maga- zine stand-out or makes it unique in other publica- tions around the globe? SARAH: I love the diversity that this magazine brings to its audience. I feel that so many magazines just repetitively use the same imagery and themes but Center Stage continually presents new themes and motivational individuals. CSM: What are the duties and responsibilities that entail to your current profession or career? SARAH: As an apprentice, it is my job to not only take care of shop duties such as keeping the shop pre- sentable and running errands, but also to learn the techniques and skills of tattooing while continually progressing in my own artistic talents. CSM: This year’s bimonthly edition is about going for game-changing results in careers and individual- ity and inspiring people (being a beacon of inspira- tion); describe how you defied your limits and exude confidence in your career and what did you do to push those boundaries. SARAH: Oh wow, it has definitely been a wild ride. This time last year, I was a full time student at Texas Woman’s University taking my required coursework to become a registered dietician and finish my masters degree in nutrition. I had moved from Hawaii, where my daughter still lives with her father, to Texas, a place where I had virtually no friends and no family, to pursue this goal. After two semesters, I realized I didn’t enjoy the practical application of the RD field and took a huge risk in not returning to school and seeking instead a tattoo apprenticeship. I was fortu- nate enough to find one rather quickly with a very tal- ented artist, Alonzo Gonzales, and an amazing shop (The Black Rose Studio in Mansfield Texas.) CSM: Being assertive and attentive is required for this profession. Have you ever made or encountered difficult decisions? How did you manage that? SARAH: Making the choice to not return to school and seek an apprenticeship was both very difficult and apprehensive. There is no guarantee in the tat- too world, and good apprenticeships are very hard to come by. I made this decision knowing it was a huge risk, but I had told myself that if I was going to be so far away from my daughter, that I would live every single day to the fullest while working to better my life so that we could be reunited. CSM: How do you handle the situation if people get intimidated by you and your work? SARAH: I am often told that I look mean or intimi- dating due to my outward appearance (I guess the tattoos and piercings can sometimes be a bit off put- ting,) however I just encourage people to talk to me, because they will quickly realize that I am just a big sweetheart. CSM: What game-changing results do you look for- ward this year? SARAH: Fingers crossed, I hope to finish my ap- prenticeship within this year, or shortly into next year. Becoming a full fledged tattoo artist will defi- nitely start the next major chapter of my life. CSM: Describe the person who made an impact in your life and how that is significant. SARAH: The person who has impacted my life the most is my daughter. Everything I do, I do with her in mind. I have had to make some extremely difficult decisions, and as a mother, I have been harshly criti- cized for these decisions, however I know that I need no one else’s approval other than my own to do what is best for my daughter. CSM: How do you set goals for yourself? SARAH: I do best with small goals, that pieced to- gether will ultimately lead to the bigger end goal. I like to even set daily and weekly goals so that I am constantly accomplishing things that will help me reach my end goal. CSM: What exactly motivates you to be a game- changer and how do you do it? SARAH: My desire to never be a part of the crowd! I love being different, and I have always felt that I stand out in one way or another. Although this has resulted in having a fairly secluded life with few friends, no one can improve my life except for myself, so I think its definitely worth it. CSM: Describe the true nature of being sexy and an eye-catching individual. SARAH: One word, confidence. I think we all know that confidence is the key to being sexy, and yet this trait is ever elusive to many of us. Even though I would say I am having to continually work towards improving my self confidence (I don’t think we every truly stop doing this,) I am secure in the person that I am both on a physical appearance level, as well as character level. If someone else doesn’t like me, well that’s their issue. CSM: The industry you are in right now is very fast- paced, full of competition and full of talent and un- avoidable politics at times. What makes you stand out and how do you keep up with talented people around you? SARAH: I think the answer to standing out, is to not try to stand out. That sounds counter-intuitive but if you truly are someone that stands out, you will do so naturally. On the other hand, if you are consciously attempting to stand out, even if you are successful at it, its noticeable that its not authentic. Authenticity trumps all when trying to rise to the top. CSM: Work-wise, what does it take to be successful in this type of profession? SARAH: There are so many attributes that people don’t realize are needed to be successful in the tattoo industry. Not only do you need to understand how to technically tattoo, but having an artistic background is very helpful. In addition to that, good customer service goes a long way, and a little hustle never hurt anybody. CSM: What is your great advice to those who will venture this kind of work? SARAH: My best advice is keep trying, and keeps the goal in mind. There will be a lot of ups and downs whether it’s trying to get an apprenticeship or once you’re already in one but the end result will be worth it.