CSM Game-Changer Issue with Cristiano Ronaldo 2019 BODY ISSUE - Gerardo Gabriel | Page 80
CSM: How do you keep yourself educated or up-
dated for latest trends and information in healthy
living or lifestyle?
BRITTANY: I read a lot. For any profession, you
have to read the current literature that is out there.
You have to always be open to learning in order
to be better, and you have to be able to admit that
you don’t know everything. It’s also okay to ask
for advice from other respected professionals.
CSM: How important is food and nutrition to
you as a model, athlete or as an individual?
BRITTANY: Food is life. Good nutrition is so
important. Yes, exercise is important too but a
huge chunk of results and success comes from
what you are putting into your body. You can
work out every day of the week, but if you are
not eating healthy it will not make a difference.
You are what you eat.
CSM: Describe the essential skills to be effective
in maintaining your figure or shape.
BRITTANY: Good nutrition; eating the right
balance of protein, healthy fats, and good carbs
as well as drinking lots of water and taking my
vitamins. A mixture of weight-lifting and cardio;
I lift weights 5-6 days a week and depending on
if I’m in off-season or in competition prep I’ll
do cardio 3-6 days a week. My cardio varies be-
tween steady state, high intensity intervals, and I
incorperate different machines like the treadmill,
stationary bike, eliptical and stair master. Tak-
ing care of my mental health is just as important.
I’ve struggled with depression a majority of my
life and although it’s gotten better since I found
fitness, I still have my bad days. This is where
rest days become extremely important. You have
to rest your mind and body. Lots of your muscu-
lar growth comes from recovery; plus you need
to rest your mind too. You can’t train your body
to be strong if your mind is weak.
CSM: What are your ideas about non-organic
food versus organic?
BRITTANY: I’m indifferent.
CSM: What are your views on an all-meat diet
versus a vegan diet?
BRITTANY: I say do what’s best for you. Person-
ally, I love meat and couldn’t imagine myself not
consuming it. I’m also a person who loves to eat
everything though including my veggies. I will
always be partial to nutrition that has a balance
of protein, healthy fats, and carbs. I think this
is what keeps people feeling satisfied and gives
more flexibility when it comes to food choices,
which makes them more likely to stick to it.
CSM: What groups of food do you usually eat?
BRITTANY: Protein like egg whites, white fish,
chicken, lean ground turkey, and sometimes lean
ground beef. For healthy fats I like natural pea-
nut or almond butter, almonds or cashews, co-
conut oil, and egg yolks. As far as good carbs,
I love sweet or red potatoes, oatmeal, brown or
white rice, and Ezekiel bread. For veggies I stick
to the green ones like green beans, asparagus,
and spinach mostly. OF course I also drink pro-
tein shakes; it’s a quick and easy way to get in
your protein effectively. In off-season I’ll have a
cheat meal twice a week, and while I’m in prep I
either don’t have any or I’ll have one a week (de-
pending on what my coach says). During a prep
I try to have a healthier cheat meal like sushi, a
burger, or steak and baked potato.
CSM: Do you think customized meal plans are
really necessary? Why is that?
BRITTANY: Yes, absolutely. Everyone’s bodies
are so different. We all come in different shapes
and sizes, different genetics, have different goals,
different lifestyles, and varying degrees of fitness
levels. A meal plan you get today will more than
likely need to be altered a few months from now,
especially if you are working out. Your body is
constantly evolving and changing, and if you
are like me then your goals will be evolving too.
Your food helps tell the story you want to tell
with your body.
CSM: Any fitness goals for yourself? What are
you aiming for now?
BRITTANY: I’m working on putting on some
size, especially in my lower body. I tend to de-
velop my upper body a lot easier, but my legs
and glutes are more stubborn. Tall girl problems
I suppose. Secondary to that, I’m just trying
to continuously improve the overall package I
bring to the stage. That is my ultimate goal every
CSM: There are a lot of online coaches and life-
style advisers out in the market already, what are
the factors that people should take into consid-
eration when hiring a personal trainer or online
coaches or maybe investing some time and mon-
ey to them?
BRITTANY: Results speak for themselves. Is
education important? Yes and no. It is a plus
to have credentials, whether it be certifications
from accredited institutions or a college degree
in nutrition or exercise science, but I’ll also say
this from experience… book smarts do not al-
ways equate to being able to apply that knowl-
edge in real life onn an individual case by case
basis. Also, just because that particular trainer
looks great themselves, doesn’t mean they can
make you look that way. It is important to look at
their body of work through their clients. Get ref-
erences, ask questions, and above all else go with
your gut feeling. Your trainer/coach needs to be
someone you feel comfortable with, can talk to,