CSM Game-Changer Issue with Cristiano Ronaldo 2019 BODY ISSUE - Gerardo Gabriel | Page 126

CSM: This is your feature debut to be on Cen- ter Stage Magazine, what is the experience like when you are included in our roster for 2019’s Summer Body issue? LEWYS: To be featured in Center Stage Maga- zine (Summer Body issue) would be an amaz- ing experience and would utilize it as best as I can. It is exactly what I am looking for in terms of branching into other parts of modelling and fitness industry. I will love the experience and take the opportunity that comes my way. I have always wanted to write articles and be featured in fitness magazines to spread the word on how to get a summer body and to motivate or inspire others to do the same. CSM: What do you think makes Center Stage Magazine stand-out or makes it unique in other publications around the globe? LEWYS: Center Stage Magazine is unique be- cause of the type of content and the style of con- tent that they produce. I truly believe there isn’t another fitness/model magazine out there that comes close to CSM. Their posts, stories, and articles are always informative, motivating and inspiring. CSM: What are the duties and responsibilities that entail to your current profession or career? LEWYS: As a gym manager, I have many duties and responsibilities including recruiting, training and supervising staff, managing budgets, enhanc- ing profitability by organizing an appropriate range of fitness activities and programs, keeping statistical and financial records, maintaining fit- ness equipment, ensuring compliance with health and safety legislation, maintaining customer ser- vice standards, undertaking administrative tasks, promoting and marketing the business and deal- ing with enquiries and emergencies. My other job is a personal trainer and online body transformation coach. I am not just a coach to my clients but a mentor. I will not only help them transform their physique, but I will trans- form their entire life for the better. Getting fit and healthy doesn’t just make you look better but it also helps you in so many different ways includ- ing your mental health too. CSM: This year’s bimonthly edition is about going for game-changing results in careers and individuality and inspiring people (being a bea- con of inspiration); describe how you defied your limits and exude confidence in your career and what did you do to push those boundaries. LEWYS: My number one rule that I always com- mit to is – no matter how hard you work or think you work there is always another level. You can always work hard and put in more effort. Another rule that I stand by which I think is the main rea- son why my online coaching business has been so successful is to always exceed your clients’/ bosses’ expectations. If you do that you will be known as a high achiever and people will talk and refer you and your business. Life is about growth, being better each and every day. Live ev- eryday to the fullest. CSM: Being assertive and attentive is required for this profession. Have you ever made or en- countered difficult decisions? How did you man- age that? LEWYS: Every time I come across a problem that is difficult to overcome, I always think that every problem has a solution no matter how big the problem is. Every hurdle that you come across has a lesson to be learned. Without prob- lems, you will never grow as every failure makes you stronger. CSM: How do you handle the situation if people get intimidated by you and your work? LEWYS: Stay calm and be honest. Try look at the situation from their prospective as you might see where they’re coming from and be more un- derstanding about the situation. CSM: What game-changing results do you look forward this year? LEWYS: To earn my PCA and UKUP profes- sional card and win the European and British Fi- nals. I also want to employ another coach to start working for me and online coaching business as my end goal is to build the biggest/best online coaching platform in the world. CSM: Describe the person who made an impact in your life and how that is significant. LEWYS: The person who I look up to the most Arnold Schwarzenegger as he started from the bare minimal; from living in a tiny town in Aus- tria to becoming one of the most well-known people in the world. His drive, determination and commitment is what inspires me the most. If he can do it then anyone can! CSM: How do you set goals for yourself? LEWYS: I visualize exactly who and where I want to be in the future then plan steps I need in order to get there. A dream written with a date becomes a goal. A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan. A plan backed by action be- comes reality.