CSM Game-Changer Issue with Cristiano Ronaldo 2019 BODY ISSUE - Gerardo Gabriel | Page 112
CSM: How do you keep yourself educated or updat-
ed for latest trends and information in healthy living
or lifestyle?
JASMINE: I’m always searching for or coming
across new info. I also subscribe to some fitness mail-
ing lists, blogs, etc. This industry is saturated with
info so there’s always something new to discover.
CSM: How important is food and nutrition to you as
a model, athlete or as an individual?
JASMINE: Very. Obviously it affects my physical
appearance but also my skin, energy level, mood etc.
I don’t like how I feel after eating a lot of junk.
CSM: Describe the essential skills to be effective in
maintaining your figure or shape.
JASMINE: First, eating healthy at least 80% of time
- avoiding junk food, excess sugar and salt as much
as possible and drinking plenty of water. Getting suf-
ficient rest, minimizing stress, exercising at least 5
times per week
CSM: What are your ideas about non-organic food
versus organic?
JASMINE: Personally, I don’t buy into those labels
much. Yes, organic is supposed to be healthier but
how do we really know? Just make the healthiest
choices possible.
CSM: What are your views on an all-meat diet versus
a vegan diet?
JASMINE: I prefer a meat diet. In general, I don’t
think any restrictive diet is a good idea because you
miss out on nutrients your body needs. It may be ok
for a short period of time like if you’re preparing for
a competition or dealing with an illness or condition
that can be improved by the strict diet. I tried being
vegan for one month and did not like it. I noticed
my energy level was low, I was always hungry and
was more likely to eat junk food because it wasn’t
an animal byproduct and I lost muscle mass in the
CSM: What groups of food do you usually eat?
JASMINE: All of them! I love pizza and I love fruit
too but I don’t eat them often. Taking the fruit out
of my diet and adding in protein was how my body
transformed when I first started bodybuilding. So, I
keep the fruit to a minimum but enjoy it more during
off season. In general, I eat plenty of protein (egg
whites, chicken, turkey, and beef), all sorts of veggies
and complex carbs with some meals. I keep snacks
like almonds, almond butter, sunflower seed butter
and protein bars around too in case I find myself in a
pinch and need something quick to eat.
CSM: Do you think customized meal plans are really
necessary? Why is that?
JASMINE: Absolutely. There is no one size fits all.
Everyone’s body is different and metabolizes food
differently so you have to learn what works for your
own body. Just pay attention, your body will tell you
what it needs.
CSM: Any fitness goals for yourself? What are you
aiming now?
JASMINE: I’m taking this year off from competing
so I can focus on building my businesses. Although
I’m not in competition mode, my lifestyle is still sim-
ilar, I’m just not as strict with my diet and exercise
regimen. I want to stay close to being stage ready so
that it’s not too stressful when the time does come for
me to start prepping again. I’m focusing on building
up my hamstrings and glutes too. Next year, I want to
step back on the NPC stage with an even better phy-
sique, compete in another National show and finally
win my IFBB Pro Card!
CSM: There are a lot of online coaches and lifestyle
advisers out in the market already, what are the fac-
tors that people should take into consideration when
hiring a personal trainer or online coaches or maybe
investing some time and money to them?
JASMINE: How reputable are they? What is their
background and experience? What are their beliefs
about diet and nutrition? Are they into gimmicks and
fad diets? Do they make unrealistic promises about
achievable results? Can you identify with or relate
to them in any way? In general, you should look for
someone you can identify with, someone trustwor-
thy that isn’t making false promises about what is
achievable and can be open and honest about what it
will take for you to achieve your specific goals.
CSM: As a fitness and health enthusiast, what are the
essential exercises you have to do? Why is that?
JASMINE: As a bikini competitor, my focus is on
my legs - glutes and hamstrings in particular. So, for
me, I do a lot of hip thrusts, hip bridges, squats and
lunges, of course, all sorts of variations from body-
weight only, to using bands and heavy weights and
machines. I also incorporate explosive plyometric
moves like squat jumps to hit those fast twitch mus-
cles. I don’t like doing a lot of cardio so plyometrics
gives me that cardio burn without the same level of
CSM: Do you have any gym etiquette advice for oth-
er people?
JASMINE: Yes! Please stop with all the texting, tak-
ing selfies and hogging machines while socializing.
Fellas, please stop dropping weights on the floor - if
it’s too heavy to control, maybe using lighter weights
will help. Stop copying what you see someone else
doing. Everyone’s fit goals are different so focus on
what will be best for you and your goals. If you’re
unsure, hire a professional. A good personal trainer
(like myself *wink*) will help you understand ex-
ercises that are best for you, your abilities and your