CSM Game-Changer Issue with Cristiano Ronaldo 2019 BODY ISSUE - Gerardo Gabriel | Page 106

CSM: This is your feature debut to be on Cen- ter Stage Magazine, what is the experience like when you are included in our roster for 2019’s Summer Body issue? JASMINE: Unbelievable! It’s an amazing op- portunity to inspire and motivate others and I’m truly grateful to even be considered! as a regular person. I’m no better and no worse. If someone is intimidated by me, I hope that in some way it actually motivates or inspires them in a positive way! There’s little I can do about how someone else feels. I can only be the best version of myself and hope that reflects on others in a positive way. CSM: What do you think makes Center Stage Magazine stand-out or makes it unique in other publications around the globe? JASMINE: It highlights different types of people from all over with unique experiences and back- grounds. So much variety that everyone can find something that resonates with them personally. CSM: What game-changing results do you look forward this year? JASMINE: I’m using all the lessons I’ve been learning and applying them to building my fit- ness studio and launching a CBD business. I’ve faced a lot of adversity, including struggling with mental issues/depression and overcoming statis- tical odds - this is the year that I truly break free from all bonds and experience the fruits of my labor. CSM: What are the duties and responsibilities that entail to your current profession or career? JASMINE: I am the sole business owner of a pri- vate fitness studio called 2BFIT in Arlington, TX. I handle everything from the day to day business operations and decision making, marketing and social media to training individuals and teaching group fitness classes, and everything else that goes along with helping people learn how to be- come their best, healthiest self. CSM: This year’s bimonthly edition is about going for game-changing results in careers and individuality and inspiring people (being a bea- con of inspiration); describe how you defied your limits and exude confidence in your career and what did you do to push those boundaries. JASMINE: Over the past 5 years, I have started several businesses and, unfortunately, they have not been as successful as I hoped but, despite failures and mistakes, I have continued to take risks, leaps of faith and push through even in the face adversity, learning how to overcome doubt and fear. With each experience, there is always a blessing or lesson and I use those to contin- ue pushing through. I’ve learned that it is espe- cially the trials and tribulations that have pushed me outside of my comfort zone that have also strengthened me as a person and increased my confidence in myself, knowing that I can accom- plish anything if I’m willing to try. CSM: Being assertive and attentive is required for this profession. Have you ever made or en- countered difficult decisions? How did you man- age that? JASMINE: One thing I rely on is the power of prayer. I try to not react out of emotion. When faced with really difficult decisions, I give my- self an opportunity to take a step back so I can see things more clearly and ask for guidance and direction from God. CSM: How do you handle the situation if people get intimidated by you and your work? JASMINE: I don’t really see how or why anyone would find me intimidating. I have had people say I can be intimidating but I like to see myself CSM: Describe the person who made an impact in your life and how that is significant. JASMINE: My grandfather is one person who always believed in me, supported and encour- aged me in everything I did. In his eyes, I was the perfect beacon of light who, despite being born to a teenage mother, would set the example for my family, defy odds and become very suc- cessful one day. He was the first and only person close to me that I’ve ever lost. After he passed, I learned even more about the man I was so close to. One of the most important lessons his passing taught me is live with no regrets. People may not understand who you are or why you do things you do but, regardless, be true to yourself and your convictions and never give up on working towards your goals. CSM: How do you set goals for yourself? JASMINE: I’m always up for a challenge and looking for ways to improve myself so I set goals often. They can be shorter term goals like a sim- ple checklist of things that must be done on a par- ticular day to longer term goals that require more extensive planning. In general, I think of some- thing I want to accomplish and by when, figure out a few things required to reach the goal then start working on actions to get me closer to that goal. I’m very analytical so sometimes I have to keep myself from over analyzing certain details and trying to have all the answers and, instead, trust that if I take actions, the next steps will re- veal themselves. One of my favorite quotes is from MLK that says “You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step” C