What a time it has been for Community Support Frankston as we adjust to the conditions imposed by the Covid-19 crisis .
Management has again looked outside the square to find ways to continue to provide financial and other assistance to the vulnerable residents of the City of Frankston under the ongoing pandemic restrictions .
We were grateful to receive $ 139,161 in extra funding from the Department of Social Services . These funds , together with our allocated funding of $ 350,327 , provided $ 489,488 available to assist our clients .
Further funds were received from the Magistrates Court of $ 23,000 , and donations of $ 21,748 . A grant from the R . E . Ross Trust of $ 18,486 net was also received in June of 2019 , resulting in $ 553,158 available for Emergency Relief , an increase of $ 182,430 over the previous year .
Emergency Relief overall expenditure totalled $ 551,561 , which is an increase of $ 169,182 over last year .
Assistance was provided over a wide range of needs , including Food / Food Cards $ 290,458 , payment of Utility / Telephone bills $ 23,193 , Household Goods $ 37,747 and Accommodation / Rental $ 26,249 . Also included was $ 58,662 in staffing costs .
Administration income totalled $ 79,759 , which is a decrease of $ 11,039 for the year . Included in income was bank interest totalling $ 5,894 , donations of $ 36,229 and reimbursements of $ 26,476 . An amount of $ 4,860 was also received from the Department of Social Services Volunteer Grants Program .
Expenditure totalled $ 57,141 , a decrease of $ 6,227 from the previous year , which included Stationery / Office $ 5,279 , Fees & Subscriptions $ 3,617 and Supplies $ 2,889 . Depreciation was $ 8,121 .
We again acknowledge the ongoing support received from the Frankston City Council for their provision of our premises , payment of major running costs and extra assistance received during the current lockdown .
Support of local businesses , organisations and residents is also acknowledged , and includes Coles , Woolworths , Ritchie ’ s IGA , Aldi , our Auditors - Shepard Webster & O ’ Neill and Hocking Stuart Real Estate , as well as many others .
Terry Mackay Treasurer
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Community Support Frankston