Frankston City Council
CSF has an essential partnership with Frankston City Council ( FCC ), and acknowledges Council ’ s outstanding contribution to the community by the provision of the full-time Manager and Operations Coordinator staffing positions at CSF . It was way back in 1968 that Frankston FCC recognised the ability of its community to provide a professional support and information service mainly staffed / managed by volunteers , and since then CSF has become a benchmark for agencies of its type that utilise the services of volunteers . FCC also provides the office building and covers essential maintenance and utility costs . As a result of the pandemic , FCC also came to CSF ’ s rescue with the provision of redeployed Council staff to assist in providing ER relief when a number of volunteers at risk were unable to continue their assistance .
Services Australia
The Community Engagement Officers ( CEO ) Program is operated by Services Australia to provide support to people of all ages who are highly vulnerable , particularly those at
risk of homelessness , with CSF being just one of their external locations . Debbie ( pictured above left ) is CSF ’ s co-located CEO , who conducts face to face and telephone interviews to assist people in an environment where they feel comfortable , and can be supported by others , including CSF ’ s community workers .
Department of Social Services
In 1977 the Australian Government introduced the Emergency Relief ( ER ) Program , with its purpose being to assist CSF in delivering emergency , financial and other assistance to individuals and families in immediate financial crisis . Since 2015 , the DSS ’ “ new way of working ” competitive grants have helped CSF provide ER material aid under the Families & Communities Program ; Financial Wellbeing and Capability ( FWC ) subdivision . Due to the pandemic , additional funds were granted to assist CSF to increase its level of ER assistance to those most in need during these incredibly challenging times .
Frankston Magistrates ’ Court
Community Support Frankston has worked in partnership with the Frankston Magistrates ’ Court since the mid-1980s . The FMC provides funds to CSF from monetary penalties imposed by a Magistrate as a condition of people placed on a ‘ Good Behaviour Bond ’. Every cent of these funds is distributed through CSF ’ s Emergency Relief Program , and assists people with the payment of essential food , housing , emergency medical and pharmaceutical items , travel , accommodation and utility accounts .
Good Shepherd Youth & Family Services
Good Shepherd Youth & Family Services provides free and confidential financial counselling services through its co-located service at CSF , which has been in operation since 2002 , and in more recent years converted a second office space dedicated to one-on-one financial counselling support and services . Anna ( pictured above right ) is CSF ’ s co-located Financial Counsellor .
Operation Larder
The Operation Larder Program , based at the High Street Uniting Church in Frankston , has been in operation since 1982 , and CSF has an incredibly strong relationship with Larder volunteers who continue , on a weekly basis , to supply food items for our pantry for distribution to our clients in crisis . One of their fabulous volunteers , Graham , is pictured centre above on the right , delivering stock to Helene , a volunteer of CSF . Operation Larder also continues to be an integral partner of the CSF Annual Frankston Community Appeal .
Peninsula Health ( Free Community Dental )
CSF continues to grow its relationship with the Dental Team at Peninsula Health , whereby they have now attended CSF on a few occasions , as well as attending our Community Events , to provide free dental checks and schedule priority dental work for some of our clients .
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