CSF_Annual_Report_2020_Web_Final | Page 21

I joined Community Support Frankston in 1989 when it was the Citizens Advice Bureau , looking to help the community and an outlet from being a full time mother .
A lot of what we do is simply listen to people , because often no-one else does , and try to give them the ability to solve their own problems . For the clients unable to advocate for themselves , we do this on their behalf , either via telephone or by referring them to the appropriate service that will assist them . Sometimes this can be challenging because the way they have been treated previously when seeking help hasn ’ t been a positive experience .
We generally don ’ t get much feedback from clients or the agencies we refer them to , because of privacy considerations , so it ’ s nice to hear from some long term clients that their situation is improved by something we have initiated or a referral we provided them with .
The one thing I have learned is that a large proportion of our clients have no family support , which can be critical when in a stressful situation , and in general they are very grateful for our assistance . It is very satisfying to know that you have made a difference in peoples ’ lives .
On a personal note , over the 30 years I ’ ve been at CSF I ’ ve made lots of long term friendships , particularly with the group I work on shift with . I have found all staff and volunteers to be extremely supportive , both professionally and personally . When I started this “ journey ” I never expected the rewards it would give me .
I started at CSF in March 2020 as a student placement for my dual Diploma in Mental Health and Alcohol & Other Drugs . It has been a fantastic learning experience and I plan on staying on as a volunteer after the completion of my education .
In the beginning I saw clients face to face , but during the Covid-19 pandemic things changed substantially , and went to over the phone interviews .
The learning curve has been fantastic and eye opening in respect to the needs of the community and the problems they face , such as homelessness , mental health , poverty and addiction , and I thoroughly enjoy knowing that I am helping to make a difference in the lives of those facing these issues .
I have had challenges in dealing with clients that are difficult , but realise that their circumstances are exacerbating their actions , and by assisting them helps to give them a sense of relief by minimising their problems that are causing the stress and anxiety . Learning from these clients and the services we have available to us has been life changing and has enriched my life .
My time at CSF has been rewarding and educational , and has been the driving force to one day gain employment in this area of community services . CSF is a caring and supportive environment , with staff and volunteers supporting one another and sharing their knowledge , and I feel very fortunate to be part of this team .
It Takes a Community Page | 21