CSEC 630 Lab 1 Assignment CSEC 630 Lab 1 Assignment

CSEC 630 Lab 1 Assignment Click Below Link To Purchase www.foxtutor.com/product/csec-630-lab-1-assignment CSEC 630 Lab 1 Q1. Which tool or technique from the above list would be the most effective for a cryptanalyst to use to decipher a text encrypted with the Caesar cipher, and why? Q2. What do you notice about the histogram results when text is encrypted with the Vigenere cipher in comparison to the results of the Caesar cipher? Why is this the case? Q3. There is an error in the following ciphertext representation of this quote, what is it? What should the correct ciphertext be? Q4. Of the three ciphers discussed (Caesar, Vigenere, Playfair), what are their relative degree of security and why? Q5. For each of the following say whether ECB or CBC would be the most appropriate and give a brief explanation as to why. Q6. What difference do you notice in the block size, discuss whether or not this cipher would be susceptible to statistical analysis and why. Q7. Analyze the data encrypted with the RSA cipher. How does this encryption method compare to the other methods the Lab has covered? Q8. What are the advantages of the Hybrid RSA-AES cipher? How does this encryption method compare to the other methods the Lab has covered?