CS Oct-2021 | Page 14

On the Eve of China October Revolution :

Red Salutes to Great Teachers of Marxism

Perspectives of the Chinese Revolution

I Perspectives of the Chinese Revolution
The major facts which determine the character of the Chinese Revolution are : a . China ’ s semi-colonial status and the economic and financial domination of imperialism ; b . The deadweight of feudal survivals , aggravated by the oppression of militarism and the bureaucracy , c . The growing revolutionary struggle of the working-class and millions of peasants against feudalbureaucratic oppression , militarism and imperialism ; d . The political weakness of the national bourgeoisie , its dependence on imperialism , its fear of the sweep of the revolutionary movement ; e . The growing revolutionary activity of the proletariat , its growing prestige among the toiling millions ; f . The existence of a proletarian dictatorship as a neighbour of China .
Hence the two paths of development of events in China .
Either the national bourgeoisie crushes the proletariat , enters into a compact with imperialism and with it launches campaign against the
revolution , in order to end it with the establishment of the rule of capitalism ;
Or the proletariat pushes aside the national bourgeoisie , consolidates its hegemony and wins the following of the toiling millions of town and country in order to overcome the resistance of the national bourgeoisie , secure the complete victory of the bourgeois-democratic revolution , and then gradually switch it to the path of Socialist revolution , with all the consequences that follow there from .


One of these two paths .
The crisis of world capitalism and the existence of the proletarian dictatorship in the U . S . S . R . whose experience may be effectively utilised by the Chinese proletariat , substantially enhances the possibility of the Chinese Revolution being carried out by the second way .
On the other hand , the fact that imperialism is attacking the Chinese Revolution in the main unitedly , that amongst the imperialists there exist at present no splits or wars as there existed for example in the camp of imperialism before the October Revolution and which weakened imperialism — this fact means that the Chinese Revolution is meeting with
much greater difficulties in the path of victory than the revolution in Russia and that the desertions and treacheries in the course of this Revolution will be incomparably more than in the period of the civil war in the U . S . S . R .
Therefore , the struggle between these two paths of revolution is the characteristic feature of the Chinese Revolution .
It is just because of this that the fundamental task of the Communists consists in the struggle for the victory of the second path of the Chinese Revolution .
II First Stage of the Chinese Revolution
In the first period of the Chinese Revolution , in the period of the first expedition to the North , when the Nationalist Army approached the Yangtse river and attained victory after victory and a mighty movement of workers and peasants had not yet been developed , the national bourgeoisie ( non-comprador ) marched with the revolution . This was revolution of the general united national front .
This does not mean that there were no contradictions between the revolution and the national bourgeoisie . This only means that the national bourgeoisie ; while supporting the
Class Struggle